South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 21 - Revenue Bond Act For Utilities
Section 6-21-150. Estimate of repairs and betterments when existing works acquired.

In the event of the acquisition by purchase or condemnation of any works already constructed the governing body, at or before the time of the adoption of the ordinance or resolution described in Section 6-21-160, shall cause to be determined what repairs, replacements, additions and betterments will be necessary in order that such works may be effective for their purpose, and an estimate of the cost of such improvements shall be included in the estimate of the cost required by Section 6-21-140 and such improvements shall be made upon the acquisition of the works and as a part of the cost thereof.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 59-375; 1952 Code Section 59-375; 1942 Code Section 9243; 1933 (38) 411; 1934 (38) 1543.

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 6 - Local Government - Provisions Applicable to Special Purpose Districts and Other Political Subdivisions

Chapter 21 - Revenue Bond Act For Utilities

Section 6-21-5. Transportation authorities; power to establish and finance.

Section 6-21-10. "Borrower" defined.

Section 6-21-20. "Governing body" defined.

Section 6-21-30. "Municipality" defined.

Section 6-21-40. "System" defined.

Section 6-21-45. Definition of "hospitals, nursing home and care facilities".

Section 6-21-50. Authorized public works which may be purchased or constructed.

Section 6-21-55. Debt service on bonds for municipal improvements not to be imposed on property not located in improvement district.

Section 6-21-60. Construction and operation by municipality of natural gas systems in other municipalities.

Section 6-21-70. Joint projects.

Section 6-21-80. Improvement of existing system.

Section 6-21-90. Construction on private property.

Section 6-21-100. Construction and operation of works; acquisition of property.

Section 6-21-110. Condemnation of property.

Section 6-21-120. Municipality not bound to accept and pay for condemned property; source of payment.

Section 6-21-130. Option or contract of purchase.

Section 6-21-140. Estimate of cost of system.

Section 6-21-150. Estimate of repairs and betterments when existing works acquired.

Section 6-21-160. Ordinances or resolutions which may be adopted for purposes of chapter.

Section 6-21-170. Manner in which powers of counties and townships conferred by chapter may be exercised.

Section 6-21-180. Acceptance of Federal loans and grants.

Section 6-21-185. Special purpose districts providing hospital, nursing home, or care facilities; mortgages.

Section 6-21-190. Bond issues authorized.

Section 6-21-200. Bonds shall not be subject to certain limitations.

Section 6-21-210. Bond issue must be authorized by ordinance or resolution.

Section 6-21-220. Terms, form and execution of bonds.

Section 6-21-230. Additional provisions as to form of bonds.

Section 6-21-240. Pledge of other revenues permitted for combined airport and harbor improvement project bonds of cities.

Section 6-21-250. Undelivered bonds executed by ex-officers shall be valid.

Section 6-21-260. Bonds shall be negotiable.

Section 6-21-270. Bonds shall be tax exempt.

Section 6-21-280. Sale of bonds.

Section 6-21-290. Bonds shall be legal investments.

Section 6-21-300. Deposit of and security for proceeds from bonds.

Section 6-21-310. Use of proceeds from bonds.

Section 6-21-320. Payment of bonds before maturities.

Section 6-21-330. Statutory lien of bondholders on system or project.

Section 6-21-340. Pledge of water revenues for water and sewer system.

Section 6-21-350. Enforcement of lien of bondholders.

Section 6-21-360. Appointment and powers of receiver.

Section 6-21-370. Additional bonds for further improvements.

Section 6-21-380. Revenue refunding bonds.

Section 6-21-390. Rates for service.

Section 6-21-400. Rates shall not be subject to regulations; permits shall not be required.

Section 6-21-410. Payment for service by borrower.

Section 6-21-420. Accounting basis of system or project.

Section 6-21-430. Custodian of Gross Revenues; Funds shall be In Form of Trust.

Section 6-21-440. Segregation of revenues to several funds.

Section 6-21-450. Payment of expenses of operation or maintenance from other funds.

Section 6-21-460. Bonds payable only from bond and interest redemption fund.

Section 6-21-470. Excess contributions to bond and interest redemption fund.

Section 6-21-480. Disposition of surplus in operation and maintenance fund.

Section 6-21-490. Disposition of surplus in depreciation fund.

Section 6-21-500. Disposition of surplus in contingent fund.

Section 6-21-510. Books and accounts; annual report; inspection.

Section 6-21-520. Limitation on obligation which may be incurred by municipality.

Section 6-21-530. Issuance of bonds without election or notice.

Section 6-21-540. Effect of former Public Works Administration Act.

Section 6-21-550. Effect of chapter on existing contracts and liens.

Section 6-21-560. Chapter shall be cumulative.

Section 6-21-570. Chapter shall be liberally construed.