South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 11 - Special Purpose Or Public Service Districts Generally
Section 6-11-40. Qualifications of voters.

Any person who is qualified to vote under the general law of this State and who resides within the district shall be eligible to vote.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 59-604; 1952 Code Section 59-604; 1942 Code Section 8555-133; 1934 (38) 1292; 1966 (54) 2621.

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 6 - Local Government - Provisions Applicable to Special Purpose Districts and Other Political Subdivisions

Chapter 11 - Special Purpose Or Public Service Districts Generally

Section 6-11-10. Authority to establish special purpose or public service districts.

Section 6-11-20. Petition for formation of district.

Section 6-11-30. Call of election for establishment of district.

Section 6-11-40. Qualifications of voters.

Section 6-11-50. Place, managers and notice of election; declaration of result.

Section 6-11-60. Electors shall vote on establishment of district and on election of commissioners.

Section 6-11-70. Date for election of board members; implementation of section; statement of candidacy or petition for nomination; number of signatures; certain counties exempt.

Section 6-11-80. Organization of and vacancies on commission.

Section 6-11-90. Record of meetings; compensation.

Section 6-11-91. Compensation and benefits for district governing bodies.

Section 6-11-92. Continuation of existing benefit plans.

Section 6-11-93. Compensation from two or more districts prohibited.

Section 6-11-100. General powers and duties of commissioners.

Section 6-11-101. Hospital districts; powers.

Section 6-11-105. Emergency ban on burning within a special purpose or public service district.

Section 6-11-110. Commissioners in certain counties may furnish services outside district.

Section 6-11-120. Filing of plat of district.

Section 6-11-130. Power of condemnation.

Section 6-11-140. Establishment of rates.

Section 6-11-150. Hearing prior to establishment of rates.

Section 6-11-160. Schedule of rates shall be kept on file.

Section 6-11-170. Lien for rates; suits therefor.

Section 6-11-175. Construction of elevated water storage facility; notice and hearing.

Section 6-11-180. Issue of bonds for construction or acquisition.

Section 6-11-190. Terms and amount of bonds.

Section 6-11-200. Election on bond issue on petition of resident electors.

Section 6-11-210. Issuance and sale of bonds; use of proceeds.

Section 6-11-220. Signature of bonds.

Section 6-11-230. Bonds shall be tax free.

Section 6-11-240. Maturity date of bonds issued by water or sewer districts.

Section 6-11-250. Government loans.

Section 6-11-260. Adoption of budget of district.

Section 6-11-270. Levy, collection and disbursement of taxes.

Section 6-11-271. Millage levy for special purpose district.

Section 6-11-273. Tax levy referendums.

Section 6-11-275. Increase in millage limitation; collection.

Section 6-11-276. Authority to borrow in anticipation of taxes.

Section 6-11-280. Interference with sewers, waterworks and drainage facilities of political subdivision; penalties.

Section 6-11-285. Civil penalties for violations of permit conditions or regulations of public entities which operate wastewater plants or treatment facilities, water treatment facilities, or water distribution systems; hearings and appeals.

Section 6-11-290. Construction of article; no effect on Department of Health and Environmental Control.

Section 6-11-295. Violations; penalties.

Section 6-11-300. Reports by state board, commission or authority furnishing natural gas to residents.

Section 6-11-320. Special purpose districts empowered to provide water services authorized to provide sewage collection and disposal services; requirements.

Section 6-11-325. Financing construction of sewage collection lines.

Section 6-11-330. Special purpose districts providing fire protection services authorized to provide emergency medical services.

Section 6-11-335. Additional members.

Section 6-11-340. Protection of special purpose district facilities; public safety departments; appointment and training of public safety officers.

Section 6-11-350. Application of article; referendum petition by qualified electors; contents, verification, and time of submission requirements.

Section 6-11-351. Referendum request by governing body of special purpose district.

Section 6-11-352. Content and format of referendum question on ballot.

Section 6-11-353. Notice of referendum.

Section 6-11-354. Election of commissioners of district's governing body; procedures.

Section 6-11-410. Definitions.

Section 6-11-420. Special purpose districts may be enlarged, diminished or consolidated; general obligation bonds authorized.

Section 6-11-430. Exercise of powers by county board; public hearing.

Section 6-11-435. "Political subdivision" defined; provision of governmental services in event of alteration of boundaries of special purpose district.

Section 6-11-440. Notice of hearing.

Section 6-11-450. Hearing.

Section 6-11-455. Levying of ad valorem taxes in overlap areas.

Section 6-11-460. Decision of county board.

Section 6-11-470. Publication of action of county board.

Section 6-11-480. Challenge of county board's decision in court.

Section 6-11-490. County board may authorize issuance of general obligation bonds.

Section 6-11-500. Manner in which bonds shall be issued.

Section 6-11-510. Maturity of bonds.

Section 6-11-520. Redemption of bonds before maturity.

Section 6-11-530. Form of bonds.

Section 6-11-540. Denominations and places of payment of bonds.

Section 6-11-550. Interest on bonds.

Section 6-11-560. Execution of bonds.

Section 6-11-570. Sale of bonds.

Section 6-11-580. Tax and pledge of taxing power for payment of bonds.

Section 6-11-590. Bonds exempt from taxes.

Section 6-11-600. Disposition of proceeds of bonds.

Section 6-11-610. Changes in district commissions pursuant to modification of districts.

Section 6-11-620. Powers of new commissions; modified districts shall assume properties and liabilities of antecedent districts.

Section 6-11-630. Powers to issue revenue bonds shall not be affected by article.

Section 6-11-640. Powers granted by article shall be cumulative.

Section 6-11-650. Exceptions to application of article.

Section 6-11-810. Definitions.

Section 6-11-820. County boards may authorize issuance of bonds by special purpose district commissions.

Section 6-11-830. Hearing on issuance of bonds.

Section 6-11-840. Notice of hearing.

Section 6-11-850. Proponents and opponents of bond issue shall be heard.

Section 6-11-860. Decision of board; inapplicability of certain provisions in event of election.

Section 6-11-870. Publication of action by board.

Section 6-11-880. Challenge of county board's decision in court.

Section 6-11-890. Special elections may be held.

Section 6-11-900. Manner in which bonds shall be issued.

Section 6-11-910. Maturity of bonds.

Section 6-11-920. Redemption of bonds before maturity.

Section 6-11-930. Form of bonds.

Section 6-11-940. Fully registered form of bonds; conversion privileges.

Section 6-11-950. Denominations and places of payment of bonds.

Section 6-11-960. Interest on bonds.

Section 6-11-970. Execution of bonds.

Section 6-11-980. Sale of bonds.

Section 6-11-990. Tax and pledge of taxing power and revenues for payment of bonds.

Section 6-11-1000. Bonds exempt from taxes.

Section 6-11-1010. Disposition of proceeds of bonds.

Section 6-11-1020. Power to issue revenue bonds shall not be affected by article.

Section 6-11-1030. Powers granted by article shall be cumulative.

Section 6-11-1040. Certain bond issues validated.

Section 6-11-1050. Issuance of additional revenue bonds.

Section 6-11-1210. Declaration of purpose.

Section 6-11-1220. Definitions.

Section 6-11-1230. Powers of commissions.

Section 6-11-1240. Circumstances in which sewer service charges shall constitute lien on real estate; other methods of collection shall not be precluded.

Section 6-11-1250. Regulations may be enforced by courts.

Section 6-11-1260. Manner in which powers conferred shall be exercised; special acts superseded.

Section 6-11-1410. Definitions.

Section 6-11-1420. Operations at scene of fire.

Section 6-11-1430. Evacuation from buildings adjacent to burning structure.

Section 6-11-1440. Notice of evacuation of local area.

Section 6-11-1450. Interference with operations of fire authority.

Section 6-11-1460. Emergency volunteer job protection.

Section 6-11-1610. Special purpose district, defined.

Section 6-11-1620. Notification requirement, form.

Section 6-11-1630. Notification by new districts; issuance of directory; effect of non-compliance.

Section 6-11-1640. Investigation upon failure to disclose required information; extensions; mandamus.

Section 6-11-1650. Annual financial audit.

Section 6-11-1810. Authorization of mutual aid assistance.

Section 6-11-1820. Utilization of incident commander, and Incident Command System, at emergency incidents.

Section 6-11-1830. Proper training and equipment required.

Section 6-11-1840. Article not to conflict with mutual aid agreements or contracts.

Section 6-11-2010. Definitions.

Section 6-11-2020. Dissolution referendum.

Section 6-11-2027. Expired.

Section 6-11-2028. Expired.

Section 6-11-2030. Notice to successor provider; resolution or ordinance relating to assets or liabilities.

Section 6-11-2040. Contents of petition.

Section 6-11-2050. Duties of county commissioners of election; certificate of number of qualified electors and number signing petition.

Section 6-11-2060. Petition to be forwarded to successor providers.

Section 6-11-2070. Authorization of referendum; when held.

Section 6-11-2080. Publication of notice of referendum; contents.

Section 6-11-2090. Where and when referendum held.

Section 6-11-2100. Contents and format of referendum question on ballot.

Section 6-11-2110. Filing of certificate of results.

Section 6-11-2120. Notice of approval to subsequent provider.

Section 6-11-2130. Adoption of confirming resolution or ordinance by successor provider.

Section 6-11-2140. Winding up of district affairs.

Section 6-11-2150. Cost of referendum.

Section 6-11-2510. Definitions.

Section 6-11-2520. Termination procedures; contents.

Section 6-11-2530. Third-party notification program.

Section 6-11-2540. Disconnection of service when public emergency exists.

Section 6-11-2550. Private right of action; duty of care.

Section 6-11-2710. Old Pendleton District Historical Commission created; members; terms; vacancies; officers; employ personnel.

Section 6-11-2720. Powers and duties.

Section 6-11-2730. Accept donations; cooperate with other agencies.

Section 6-11-2740. Powers and duties further.