South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 11 - Special Purpose Or Public Service Districts Generally
Section 6-11-2030. Notice to successor provider; resolution or ordinance relating to assets or liabilities.

Before the circulation of a petition for consideration by qualified electors of a district, the entity or entities named in the petition as those which shall assume the assets and liabilities of the district upon dissolution and shall provide the services currently provided by the district (each a "successor provider") must be provided with a copy of the proposed petition. A successor provider may within one hundred twenty days following receipt of such proposed petition adopt a resolution or ordinance, as appropriate under the general law of the State, by which such successor provider agrees, should a referendum held pursuant to this article be successful, to become responsible for the assets and liabilities of the district and to provide the service or services set forth in the petition upon the dissolution of the district. The resolution or ordinance must affirmatively state that the political subdivision is authorized by law to provide such service or services, and is authorized to and shall, before the dissolution of the district, issue such obligations as are necessary to fully pay or defease all outstanding general obligation bonds, revenue bonds, lease-purchase obligations, and other obligations of the district, except to the extent, if any, that the political subdivision is able to lawfully assume the obligations with the consent of the holder thereof. A certified copy of the resolution or ordinance must be forwarded to the governing body of the district and the party submitting the petition within five days of its adoption. Signatures affixed to a petition before the adoption by each successor provider named in it of a resolution or ordinance, as appropriate, in accordance with this paragraph are of no force or effect.
(1) If the successor provider is a county and the county proposes to finance the provision of one or more services then provided by the district to the area within the district in whole or in part through the levy and collection of ad valorem taxes, the tax district must be established pursuant to the ordinance adopted pursuant to the preceding paragraph, subject to the dissolution of the district. Nothing herein contained shall prevent a county from creating a special tax district pursuant to this article solely for the purpose of payment of debt service on general obligation bonds issued by the county as a successor provider in order to discharge obligations of the district.
(2) In the event that more than one successor provider is named in the petition or resolution of the governing body of the district, the entities so named, before the adoption of a resolution or ordinance as provided above, shall agree in writing as to the division of assets and liabilities of the district, and such agreement must be incorporated by reference into each resolution or ordinance adopted.
HISTORY: 1998 Act No. 397, Section 3.

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 6 - Local Government - Provisions Applicable to Special Purpose Districts and Other Political Subdivisions

Chapter 11 - Special Purpose Or Public Service Districts Generally

Section 6-11-10. Authority to establish special purpose or public service districts.

Section 6-11-20. Petition for formation of district.

Section 6-11-30. Call of election for establishment of district.

Section 6-11-40. Qualifications of voters.

Section 6-11-50. Place, managers and notice of election; declaration of result.

Section 6-11-60. Electors shall vote on establishment of district and on election of commissioners.

Section 6-11-70. Date for election of board members; implementation of section; statement of candidacy or petition for nomination; number of signatures; certain counties exempt.

Section 6-11-80. Organization of and vacancies on commission.

Section 6-11-90. Record of meetings; compensation.

Section 6-11-91. Compensation and benefits for district governing bodies.

Section 6-11-92. Continuation of existing benefit plans.

Section 6-11-93. Compensation from two or more districts prohibited.

Section 6-11-100. General powers and duties of commissioners.

Section 6-11-101. Hospital districts; powers.

Section 6-11-105. Emergency ban on burning within a special purpose or public service district.

Section 6-11-110. Commissioners in certain counties may furnish services outside district.

Section 6-11-120. Filing of plat of district.

Section 6-11-130. Power of condemnation.

Section 6-11-140. Establishment of rates.

Section 6-11-150. Hearing prior to establishment of rates.

Section 6-11-160. Schedule of rates shall be kept on file.

Section 6-11-170. Lien for rates; suits therefor.

Section 6-11-175. Construction of elevated water storage facility; notice and hearing.

Section 6-11-180. Issue of bonds for construction or acquisition.

Section 6-11-190. Terms and amount of bonds.

Section 6-11-200. Election on bond issue on petition of resident electors.

Section 6-11-210. Issuance and sale of bonds; use of proceeds.

Section 6-11-220. Signature of bonds.

Section 6-11-230. Bonds shall be tax free.

Section 6-11-240. Maturity date of bonds issued by water or sewer districts.

Section 6-11-250. Government loans.

Section 6-11-260. Adoption of budget of district.

Section 6-11-270. Levy, collection and disbursement of taxes.

Section 6-11-271. Millage levy for special purpose district.

Section 6-11-273. Tax levy referendums.

Section 6-11-275. Increase in millage limitation; collection.

Section 6-11-276. Authority to borrow in anticipation of taxes.

Section 6-11-280. Interference with sewers, waterworks and drainage facilities of political subdivision; penalties.

Section 6-11-285. Civil penalties for violations of permit conditions or regulations of public entities which operate wastewater plants or treatment facilities, water treatment facilities, or water distribution systems; hearings and appeals.

Section 6-11-290. Construction of article; no effect on Department of Health and Environmental Control.

Section 6-11-295. Violations; penalties.

Section 6-11-300. Reports by state board, commission or authority furnishing natural gas to residents.

Section 6-11-320. Special purpose districts empowered to provide water services authorized to provide sewage collection and disposal services; requirements.

Section 6-11-325. Financing construction of sewage collection lines.

Section 6-11-330. Special purpose districts providing fire protection services authorized to provide emergency medical services.

Section 6-11-335. Additional members.

Section 6-11-340. Protection of special purpose district facilities; public safety departments; appointment and training of public safety officers.

Section 6-11-350. Application of article; referendum petition by qualified electors; contents, verification, and time of submission requirements.

Section 6-11-351. Referendum request by governing body of special purpose district.

Section 6-11-352. Content and format of referendum question on ballot.

Section 6-11-353. Notice of referendum.

Section 6-11-354. Election of commissioners of district's governing body; procedures.

Section 6-11-410. Definitions.

Section 6-11-420. Special purpose districts may be enlarged, diminished or consolidated; general obligation bonds authorized.

Section 6-11-430. Exercise of powers by county board; public hearing.

Section 6-11-435. "Political subdivision" defined; provision of governmental services in event of alteration of boundaries of special purpose district.

Section 6-11-440. Notice of hearing.

Section 6-11-450. Hearing.

Section 6-11-455. Levying of ad valorem taxes in overlap areas.

Section 6-11-460. Decision of county board.

Section 6-11-470. Publication of action of county board.

Section 6-11-480. Challenge of county board's decision in court.

Section 6-11-490. County board may authorize issuance of general obligation bonds.

Section 6-11-500. Manner in which bonds shall be issued.

Section 6-11-510. Maturity of bonds.

Section 6-11-520. Redemption of bonds before maturity.

Section 6-11-530. Form of bonds.

Section 6-11-540. Denominations and places of payment of bonds.

Section 6-11-550. Interest on bonds.

Section 6-11-560. Execution of bonds.

Section 6-11-570. Sale of bonds.

Section 6-11-580. Tax and pledge of taxing power for payment of bonds.

Section 6-11-590. Bonds exempt from taxes.

Section 6-11-600. Disposition of proceeds of bonds.

Section 6-11-610. Changes in district commissions pursuant to modification of districts.

Section 6-11-620. Powers of new commissions; modified districts shall assume properties and liabilities of antecedent districts.

Section 6-11-630. Powers to issue revenue bonds shall not be affected by article.

Section 6-11-640. Powers granted by article shall be cumulative.

Section 6-11-650. Exceptions to application of article.

Section 6-11-810. Definitions.

Section 6-11-820. County boards may authorize issuance of bonds by special purpose district commissions.

Section 6-11-830. Hearing on issuance of bonds.

Section 6-11-840. Notice of hearing.

Section 6-11-850. Proponents and opponents of bond issue shall be heard.

Section 6-11-860. Decision of board; inapplicability of certain provisions in event of election.

Section 6-11-870. Publication of action by board.

Section 6-11-880. Challenge of county board's decision in court.

Section 6-11-890. Special elections may be held.

Section 6-11-900. Manner in which bonds shall be issued.

Section 6-11-910. Maturity of bonds.

Section 6-11-920. Redemption of bonds before maturity.

Section 6-11-930. Form of bonds.

Section 6-11-940. Fully registered form of bonds; conversion privileges.

Section 6-11-950. Denominations and places of payment of bonds.

Section 6-11-960. Interest on bonds.

Section 6-11-970. Execution of bonds.

Section 6-11-980. Sale of bonds.

Section 6-11-990. Tax and pledge of taxing power and revenues for payment of bonds.

Section 6-11-1000. Bonds exempt from taxes.

Section 6-11-1010. Disposition of proceeds of bonds.

Section 6-11-1020. Power to issue revenue bonds shall not be affected by article.

Section 6-11-1030. Powers granted by article shall be cumulative.

Section 6-11-1040. Certain bond issues validated.

Section 6-11-1050. Issuance of additional revenue bonds.

Section 6-11-1210. Declaration of purpose.

Section 6-11-1220. Definitions.

Section 6-11-1230. Powers of commissions.

Section 6-11-1240. Circumstances in which sewer service charges shall constitute lien on real estate; other methods of collection shall not be precluded.

Section 6-11-1250. Regulations may be enforced by courts.

Section 6-11-1260. Manner in which powers conferred shall be exercised; special acts superseded.

Section 6-11-1410. Definitions.

Section 6-11-1420. Operations at scene of fire.

Section 6-11-1430. Evacuation from buildings adjacent to burning structure.

Section 6-11-1440. Notice of evacuation of local area.

Section 6-11-1450. Interference with operations of fire authority.

Section 6-11-1460. Emergency volunteer job protection.

Section 6-11-1610. Special purpose district, defined.

Section 6-11-1620. Notification requirement, form.

Section 6-11-1630. Notification by new districts; issuance of directory; effect of non-compliance.

Section 6-11-1640. Investigation upon failure to disclose required information; extensions; mandamus.

Section 6-11-1650. Annual financial audit.

Section 6-11-1810. Authorization of mutual aid assistance.

Section 6-11-1820. Utilization of incident commander, and Incident Command System, at emergency incidents.

Section 6-11-1830. Proper training and equipment required.

Section 6-11-1840. Article not to conflict with mutual aid agreements or contracts.

Section 6-11-2010. Definitions.

Section 6-11-2020. Dissolution referendum.

Section 6-11-2027. Expired.

Section 6-11-2028. Expired.

Section 6-11-2030. Notice to successor provider; resolution or ordinance relating to assets or liabilities.

Section 6-11-2040. Contents of petition.

Section 6-11-2050. Duties of county commissioners of election; certificate of number of qualified electors and number signing petition.

Section 6-11-2060. Petition to be forwarded to successor providers.

Section 6-11-2070. Authorization of referendum; when held.

Section 6-11-2080. Publication of notice of referendum; contents.

Section 6-11-2090. Where and when referendum held.

Section 6-11-2100. Contents and format of referendum question on ballot.

Section 6-11-2110. Filing of certificate of results.

Section 6-11-2120. Notice of approval to subsequent provider.

Section 6-11-2130. Adoption of confirming resolution or ordinance by successor provider.

Section 6-11-2140. Winding up of district affairs.

Section 6-11-2150. Cost of referendum.

Section 6-11-2510. Definitions.

Section 6-11-2520. Termination procedures; contents.

Section 6-11-2530. Third-party notification program.

Section 6-11-2540. Disconnection of service when public emergency exists.

Section 6-11-2550. Private right of action; duty of care.

Section 6-11-2710. Old Pendleton District Historical Commission created; members; terms; vacancies; officers; employ personnel.

Section 6-11-2720. Powers and duties.

Section 6-11-2730. Accept donations; cooperate with other agencies.

Section 6-11-2740. Powers and duties further.