The committee shall select a chairman at its first meeting and meet at least twice annually. A majority of the members present constitute a quorum for purposes of conducting business. Pursuant to Chapter 23 of Title 1 of the 1976 Code, the committee shall promulgate criteria for the designation of a scenic highway. The regulation must provide that a recommendation to establish a scenic highway be forwarded to the General Assembly for approval. In developing the criteria the committee shall consider the scenic, cultural, historic, commercial, and economic significance of the road and area. The committee shall coordinate development of these criteria in conjunction with the criteria for scenic highways being developed by the federal highway administration.
HISTORY: 1994 Act No. 484, Section 1.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 57 - Highways, Bridges and Ferries
Chapter 23 - Highway Beautification And Scenic Routes
Section 57-23-10. Marking of beautified section of public road or highway.
Section 57-23-20. Unlawful to injure plants, shrubs or trees along beautified section.
Section 57-23-50. Scenic Highways Committee created; membership; terms of office.
Section 57-23-60. Chairman; quorum; promulgation of criteria regulations.
Section 57-23-70. Requests for scenic highway designation; review by committee; hearing.
Section 57-23-80. Transmittal of committee recommendation to General Assembly.
Section 57-23-110. Cherokee Foothills Scenic Highway designated.
Section 57-23-140. Old Sheldon Church Road Scenic Byway designated; markers; advertising signs.
Section 57-23-210. Bohicket Road designated scenic highway.
Section 57-23-220. Application of Highway Advertising Control Act of 1971.
Section 57-23-230. Ashley River Road Scenic Byway designated.
Section 57-23-300. Hilton Head Scenic Highway designated; installation of markers and signs.
Section 57-23-310. Certain advertising prohibited.
Section 57-23-350. Designation of Highway 174 as scenic highway.
Section 57-23-360. Highway 174 subject to highway advertising control act.
Section 57-23-400. Long Point Road Scenic Highway designated; installation of markers and signs.
Section 57-23-410. New off-premises outdoor advertising prohibited.
Section 57-23-420. Removal of certain trees prohibited.
Section 57-23-500. Mathis Ferry Road Scenic Highway designated; installation of markers and signs.
Section 57-23-510. New off-premises outdoor advertising prohibited.
Section 57-23-520. Removal of certain trees prohibited.
Section 57-23-600. Riverland Drive Scenic Highway designated; installation of markers and signs.
Section 57-23-610. New off-premises outdoor advertising prohibited.
Section 57-23-620. Removal of certain trees prohibited.
Section 57-23-700. Ft. Johnson Road Scenic Highway designated; installation of markers and signs.
Section 57-23-710. New off-premises outdoor advertising prohibited.
Section 57-23-720. Removal of certain trees prohibited.
Section 57-23-800. Vegetation management of medians, roadsides, and interchanges along interstates.
Section 57-23-845. Mowing roadside vegetation; Richland County.
Section 57-23-900. Western York County Scenic Byway.
Section 57-23-1000. Falling Waters Scenic Byway.