Any new off-premises outdoor advertising is prohibited on the Mathis Ferry Road Scenic Highway after the effective date of this article.
HISTORY: 1988 Act No. 617, Section 2; 1993 Act No. 181, Section 1529.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 57 - Highways, Bridges and Ferries
Chapter 23 - Highway Beautification And Scenic Routes
Section 57-23-10. Marking of beautified section of public road or highway.
Section 57-23-20. Unlawful to injure plants, shrubs or trees along beautified section.
Section 57-23-50. Scenic Highways Committee created; membership; terms of office.
Section 57-23-60. Chairman; quorum; promulgation of criteria regulations.
Section 57-23-70. Requests for scenic highway designation; review by committee; hearing.
Section 57-23-80. Transmittal of committee recommendation to General Assembly.
Section 57-23-110. Cherokee Foothills Scenic Highway designated.
Section 57-23-140. Old Sheldon Church Road Scenic Byway designated; markers; advertising signs.
Section 57-23-210. Bohicket Road designated scenic highway.
Section 57-23-220. Application of Highway Advertising Control Act of 1971.
Section 57-23-230. Ashley River Road Scenic Byway designated.
Section 57-23-300. Hilton Head Scenic Highway designated; installation of markers and signs.
Section 57-23-310. Certain advertising prohibited.
Section 57-23-350. Designation of Highway 174 as scenic highway.
Section 57-23-360. Highway 174 subject to highway advertising control act.
Section 57-23-400. Long Point Road Scenic Highway designated; installation of markers and signs.
Section 57-23-410. New off-premises outdoor advertising prohibited.
Section 57-23-420. Removal of certain trees prohibited.
Section 57-23-500. Mathis Ferry Road Scenic Highway designated; installation of markers and signs.
Section 57-23-510. New off-premises outdoor advertising prohibited.
Section 57-23-520. Removal of certain trees prohibited.
Section 57-23-600. Riverland Drive Scenic Highway designated; installation of markers and signs.
Section 57-23-610. New off-premises outdoor advertising prohibited.
Section 57-23-620. Removal of certain trees prohibited.
Section 57-23-700. Ft. Johnson Road Scenic Highway designated; installation of markers and signs.
Section 57-23-710. New off-premises outdoor advertising prohibited.
Section 57-23-720. Removal of certain trees prohibited.
Section 57-23-800. Vegetation management of medians, roadsides, and interchanges along interstates.
Section 57-23-845. Mowing roadside vegetation; Richland County.
Section 57-23-900. Western York County Scenic Byway.
Section 57-23-1000. Falling Waters Scenic Byway.