In all counties in this State containing a city having a population of more than seventy thousand according to the most recent official United States census paving districts may be created and established in the manner, for the purposes and with the powers and duties provided in this chapter.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 33-1351; 1952 Code Section 33-1351; 1942 (42) 1693.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 57 - Highways, Bridges and Ferries
Chapter 21 - Paving Districts In Counties With City Of Over 70,000
Section 57-21-10. Paving districts may be established in certain counties.
Section 57-21-20. Method of establishment; appointment of paving district commission.
Section 57-21-30. Terms of commissioners; officers; vacancies.
Section 57-21-40. Name of district and commission.
Section 57-21-50. Order for election on tax levy to pay for paving.
Section 57-21-60. Time and notice of election.
Section 57-21-70. Managers of elections; formalities of voting.
Section 57-21-80. Declaration of result of election; contest.
Section 57-21-90. Effect of election.
Section 57-21-100. Issuance of bonds.
Section 57-21-110. Terms of bonds.
Section 57-21-120. Execution of bonds; designation.
Section 57-21-130. Sale of bonds.
Section 57-21-140. Levy of tax.
Section 57-21-150. Pledge of full faith, credit, and taxing power of county; increase in levy.
Section 57-21-160. Payment of bonds.
Section 57-21-170. Payment of proceeds of bond issue.
Section 57-21-180. Use of proceeds of bond issue.
Section 57-21-190. Powers of county governing body.
Section 57-21-200. Eminent Domain.