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Section 57-21-10. Paving districts may be established in certain counties. - In all counties in this State containing a city having...
Section 57-21-20. Method of establishment; appointment of paving district commission. - Any area in any such county which contains unimproved roads...
Section 57-21-30. Terms of commissioners; officers; vacancies. - The terms of office of the commissioners so appointed shall...
Section 57-21-40. Name of district and commission. - Each district shall be known as the "__________ Paving District...
Section 57-21-50. Order for election on tax levy to pay for paving. - Within ninety days after the creation of any such paving...
Section 57-21-60. Time and notice of election. - The election shall be held on such date within ninety...
Section 57-21-70. Managers of elections; formalities of voting. - The governing body of the county shall cause to be...
Section 57-21-80. Declaration of result of election; contest. - On closing the polls the managers shall count the ballots...
Section 57-21-90. Effect of election. - If it shall be determined by the governing body of...
Section 57-21-100. Issuance of bonds. - Not less than thirty days after an election in which...
Section 57-21-110. Terms of bonds. - Each issue of bonds herein authorized shall mature at such...
Section 57-21-120. Execution of bonds; designation. - The bonds shall be executed in the name of the...
Section 57-21-130. Sale of bonds. - The bonds shall be sold by the governing body of...
Section 57-21-140. Levy of tax. - Upon the issuance by the governing body of the county...
Section 57-21-150. Pledge of full faith, credit, and taxing power of county; increase in levy. - For the payment of the bonds, both principal and interest,...
Section 57-21-160. Payment of bonds. - The bonds issued hereunder to finance the paving in a...
Section 57-21-170. Payment of proceeds of bond issue. - The proceeds of the sale of bonds as provided by...
Section 57-21-180. Use of proceeds of bond issue. - The proceeds of the bonds shall be used by the...
Section 57-21-190. Powers of county governing body. - After the issuance of bonds to finance paving in any...
Section 57-21-200. Eminent Domain. - The governing body of the county may, in order to...
Section 57-21-210. Advertisement and award of contracts. - The governing body of the county shall advertise for bids...
Section 57-21-220. Records of county governing body. - The governing body of the county shall keep a separate...