It shall be unlawful for any person, board, commission or other group of persons charged with the duty of building bridges on the public highways of this State within the State highway system to construct any bridge of insufficient width to allow the free passage of at least two vehicles at one time, and it shall also be unlawful to construct any such bridge without providing for and maintaining a clearly defined center line on it, sufficiently clear and distinct to be plainly discernible at all times. On all such bridges there shall be provided ample width on each side of such line for the passage of one vehicle.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 33-610; 1952 Code Section 33-610; 1942 Code Section 1615; 1932 Code Section 1615; 1928 (35) 1203; 1937 (40) 222.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 57 - Highways, Bridges and Ferries
Chapter 13 - Provisions Affecting Bridges Only
Section 57-13-10. Commission may cooperate with respect to interstate bridges.
Section 57-13-20. Counties may provide funds for interstate bridges; reimbursement.
Section 57-13-30. Preceding sections inapplicable to certain bridges.
Section 57-13-40. Commission may grant permits for toll bridges.
Section 57-13-50. Public notice before issue of permit for toll bridge.
Section 57-13-60. Duties of county governing bodies with respect to bridges.
Section 57-13-70. Expenses of bridges over waters between two counties.
Section 57-13-80. Formation of bridge districts by counties.
Section 57-13-90. Width of bridges on state highways.
Section 57-13-100. Contracts for work on bridges.
Section 57-13-110. Wanton or wilful injury to or destruction of bridges.
Section 57-13-120. Owners of milldams and bridges shall keep them in repair.
Section 57-13-130. Preservation of certain covered bridges; limitations on use; damage claims.