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Section 57-13-10. Commission may cooperate with respect to interstate bridges. - The commission may cooperate and negotiate with the proper authorities...
Section 57-13-20. Counties may provide funds for interstate bridges; reimbursement. - Any county may, with the approval of the Commission, provide...
Section 57-13-30. Preceding sections inapplicable to certain bridges. - Sections 57-13-10 and 57-13-20 shall not apply to any bridge...
Section 57-13-40. Commission may grant permits for toll bridges. - The commission may permit any person, county or municipality, or...
Section 57-13-50. Public notice before issue of permit for toll bridge. - No permit shall be issued by the Commission under the...
Section 57-13-60. Duties of county governing bodies with respect to bridges. - The governing body of each county may have special supervision...
Section 57-13-70. Expenses of bridges over waters between two counties. - If it shall be necessary to erect or repair any...
Section 57-13-80. Formation of bridge districts by counties. - Any two or more counties of this State desiring to...
Section 57-13-90. Width of bridges on state highways. - It shall be unlawful for any person, board, commission or...
Section 57-13-100. Contracts for work on bridges. - All the work on bridges given out by the county...
Section 57-13-110. Wanton or wilful injury to or destruction of bridges. - Whoever shall wantonly or wilfully injure or destroy any bridge...
Section 57-13-120. Owners of milldams and bridges shall keep them in repair. - All owners of milldams and bridges in connection therewith over...
Section 57-13-130. Preservation of certain covered bridges; limitations on use; damage claims. - The Department of Transportation is authorized to maintain and preserve...