South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 1 - General Provisions
Section 57-1-90. Motorcycles.

(A) In formulating transportation policy, promulgating regulations, allocating funds, and planning, designing, constructing, equipping, operating and maintaining transportation facilities, no action of the South Carolina Transportation Commission, or the South Carolina Department of Transportation shall have the effect of discriminating against motorcycles, motorcycle operators, or motorcycle passengers. No regulation or action of the commission, or department shall have the effect of enacting a prohibition or imposing a requirement that applies only to motorcycles or motorcyclists, and the principal purpose of which is to restrict or inhibit access or motorcycles and motorcyclists to any highway, bridge, tunnel, or other transportation facility.
(B) The allocation of parking space square footage specifically in transportation facilities, and other projects undertaken or operated by a political subdivision of this State where state or local source funds have been used in whole or in part to plan, design, construct, equip, operate, or maintain the facility must make reasonable accommodations for motorcycle parking. In carrying forward this requirement, among other options, the facility at its discretion may comply by sectioning portions of the area where the size configuration of the space does not meet code requirements for full-sized vehicles.
(C) As used in this section, "reasonable accommodations" shall not be interpreted to include, require, or otherwise mandate the structural or technological modification of parking structures constructed or substantially completed before July 1, 2014.
HISTORY: 2014 Act No. 148 (H.3231), Section 1, eff April 7, 2014.

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 57 - Highways, Bridges and Ferries

Chapter 1 - General Provisions

Section 57-1-10. Definitions.

Section 57-1-20. Establishment of Department of Transportation; divisions.

Section 57-1-30. Functions and purposes of department.

Section 57-1-40. Prohibited acts; penalties.

Section 57-1-50. Assent to federal aid for construction of highways and related transportation projects.

Section 57-1-60. Duties of Governor with respect to highway safety transportation programs and activities.

Section 57-1-70. Department to act in compliance with Federal Aid Highway Act.

Section 57-1-80. List of all public railroad crossings and upgrades; publication on website; installation of railroad signals and crossing arms.

Section 57-1-90. Motorcycles.

Section 57-1-310. Commission of the Department of Transportation; composition; qualifications.

Section 57-1-320. Consecutive terms; limit on commissioners from same county.

Section 57-1-325. Submittal of district appointees; meeting of legislative delegation to approve or disapprove appointee.

Section 57-1-330. Commissioners' terms.

Section 57-1-340. Oath of commissioner.

Section 57-1-350. Seal; rules and procedures; officers; expenses.

Section 57-1-360. Chief internal auditor; standards for audits; staff and office space.

Section 57-1-370. Development of long-range Statewide Transportation Plan; preservation and improvement of existing system.

Section 57-1-380. Transportation Asset Management Plan.

Section 57-1-410. Appointment of Secretary of Transportation.

Section 57-1-430. Duties and powers; employment of personnel.

Section 57-1-440. Chief counsel; staff attorneys; independent adjusters.

Section 57-1-450. Appointment of directors.

Section 57-1-460. Repealed.

Section 57-1-470. Repealed.

Section 57-1-490. Annual audits.

Section 57-1-500. Ethics workshop.

Section 57-1-710 to 57-1-760. Repealed.