(A) The State Auditor shall employ an individual to serve as the chief internal auditor of the department, and other professional, administrative, technical, and clerical personnel as the State Auditor determines to be necessary. The State Auditor also must provide professional, administrative, technical, and clerical personnel, as the State Auditor determines to be necessary, for the chief internal auditor to properly discharge his duties and responsibilities authorized by the State Auditor or provided by law. Except as otherwise provided, any employees hired pursuant to this section shall serve at the pleasure of the State Auditor.
(B)(1) The chief internal auditor must be a Certified Public Accountant and possess any other experience the State Auditor may require. The chief internal auditor must establish, implement, and maintain the exclusive internal audit function of all departmental activities. The State Auditor shall set the salary for the chief internal auditor as allowed by statute or applicable law.
(2) The audits performed by the chief internal auditor must comply with recognized governmental auditing standards. The department and any entity contracting with the department must fully cooperate with the chief internal auditor in the discharge of his duties and responsibilities and must timely produce all books, papers, correspondence, memoranda, and other records considered necessary in connection with an internal audit. All final audit reports must be submitted to the commission and the Chairman of the Senate Transportation Committee, the Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, the Chairman of the House of Representatives Education and Public Works Committee, and the Chairman of the House of Representatives Ways and Means Committee before being made public. All final audit reports shall be published on the department's and the State Auditor's websites.
(3) The State Auditor is vested with the exclusive management and control of the chief internal auditor.
(C) The department, at its own expense, must provide appropriate office space within its headquarters, building, and facility service, including janitorial, utility and telephone services, computer and technology services, and related supplies, for the chief internal auditor and his support staff.
HISTORY: 2007 Act No. 114, Section 5, eff June 27, 2007; 2016 Act No. 275 (S.1258), Section 1, eff July 1, 2016; 2017 Act No. 40 (H.3516), Section 24, eff July 1, 2017.
Editor's Note
2016 Act No. 275, Section 87, provides as follows:
"SECTION 87. (A) The chief internal auditor of the Department of Transportation and all associated support staff, and all authorized appropriations associated with the chief internal auditor and associated support staff are transferred to and become part of the State Auditor's Office, State Fiscal Accountability Authority. The chief internal auditor of the Department of Transportation and all associated support staff, whether classified or unclassified personnel, employed by the Department of Transportation on the effective date of this act, either by contract or by employment at will, shall become employees of the State Auditor's Office, State Fiscal Accountability Authority, with the same compensation, classification, and grade level, as applicable.
"(B) The chief internal auditor of the Department of Transportation on June 30, 2016, shall continue to serve until the State Auditor employs a successor. Nothing in this section shall prevent the State Auditor from retaining the chief internal auditor of the Department of Transportation as of June 30, 2016, pursuant to the provisions of Section 57-1-360, as amended in this act, found in SECTION 1."
Effect of Amendment
2017 Act No. 40, Section 24, in (B)(2), added the fourth sentence, requiring all final audit reports be published on the websites maintained by the Department of Transportation and State Auditor.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 57 - Highways, Bridges and Ferries
Chapter 1 - General Provisions
Section 57-1-20. Establishment of Department of Transportation; divisions.
Section 57-1-30. Functions and purposes of department.
Section 57-1-40. Prohibited acts; penalties.
Section 57-1-70. Department to act in compliance with Federal Aid Highway Act.
Section 57-1-310. Commission of the Department of Transportation; composition; qualifications.
Section 57-1-320. Consecutive terms; limit on commissioners from same county.
Section 57-1-330. Commissioners' terms.
Section 57-1-340. Oath of commissioner.
Section 57-1-350. Seal; rules and procedures; officers; expenses.
Section 57-1-360. Chief internal auditor; standards for audits; staff and office space.
Section 57-1-380. Transportation Asset Management Plan.
Section 57-1-410. Appointment of Secretary of Transportation.
Section 57-1-430. Duties and powers; employment of personnel.
Section 57-1-440. Chief counsel; staff attorneys; independent adjusters.
Section 57-1-450. Appointment of directors.
Section 57-1-490. Annual audits.