South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 7 - Shipwrecks And Salvage Operations
Section 54-7-50. Salvage allowed informer.

Any person discovering where any such goods are wrongfully bought, sold or concealed, so that the owner, his agent or attorney, shall regain them, shall be entitled to a reasonable salvage, not exceeding twenty-five per cent on the value, to be adjusted by the next neighboring magistrate, who is hereby required to adjust such value.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 54-305; 1952 Code Section 54-305; 1942 Code Section 6292; 1932 Code Section 6292; Civ. C. '22 Section 5144; Civ. C. '12 Section 3400; Civ. C. '02 Section 2289; G. S. 1628; R. S. 1816; 1783 (4) 552.

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 54 - Ports and Maritime Matters

Chapter 7 - Shipwrecks And Salvage Operations

Section 54-7-10. Custody and notice of unclaimed stranded goods.

Section 54-7-20. Sale of unclaimed stranded goods.

Section 54-7-30. Repelling entry into stranded vessels; carrying away saved goods.

Section 54-7-40. Issuance of warrants for stolen goods; penalty for retention.

Section 54-7-50. Salvage allowed informer.

Section 54-7-60. Restoration of goods taken from vessel; reward; penalty for offering for sale.

Section 54-7-100. Hunley Commission established; coordinates exempt from disclosure.

Section 54-7-110. Caption to be added to certain films relating to the Hunley.

Section 54-7-120. Repealed by 2007 Act No. 98, Section 3.

Section 54-7-610. Short title.

Section 54-7-620. Definitions.

Section 54-7-630. Title to all submerged paleontological property and submerged archaeological historic property and artifacts in state; may be conveyed to licensee.

Section 54-7-640. Custodians of submerged archaeological historic property and artifacts, submerged paleontological material, and other things of value.

Section 54-7-650. Licenses to conduct activities affecting submerged archaeological historic properties or paleontological properties; disposition of recovered property; permission to recover other property.

Section 54-7-660. No license required for non-disturbing inspection, study, and the like.

Section 54-7-670. Hobby licenses; reports of hobby divers as to finds; restrictions.

Section 54-7-680. Repealed by 2002 Act No. 364, Section 13, eff September 26, 2002.

Section 54-7-690. Intensive survey licenses; data recovery licenses; waiver; applications.

Section 54-7-700. Exclusive license for excavation or disturbance of submerged archaeological historic property and submerged paleontological property; conditions for issuance.

Section 54-7-710. Criteria for determining whether to issue exclusive license; public hearing optional.

Section 54-7-720. Delayed issuance of license; denial of license; reconsideration of denial.

Section 54-7-730. Provisions which must be shown on license issued by institute.

Section 54-7-740. Additional provisions applicable to licenses issued by State Archaeologist.

Section 54-7-750. Additional provisions pertaining to intensive survey licenses.

Section 54-7-760. Additional provisions pertaining to data recovery licenses.

Section 54-7-770. Modification of licenses; property disposition agreements.

Section 54-7-785. Finder of wreck other than licensed salvor; share of recovery.

Section 54-7-790. License not required of institute or of museum.

Section 54-7-800. Suspension of license; revocation or restoration; grounds for revocation; notice and hearing; appropriation of data and artifacts recovered as result of violation of Article.

Section 54-7-810. Violation of Article a misdemeanor; penalties.

Section 54-7-815. Excavation or salvage of certain sunken warships unlawful.

Section 54-7-820. Retention and confidentiality of data provided to institute; exemption from liability; discovery of human remains or grave sites; issuance of licenses and administration of article; waivers and variances.

Section 54-7-830. Privately-owned land not subject to Article.

Section 54-7-840. Educational program; underwater archaeologist on staff of institute.

Section 54-7-850. Retention and use of license fees.