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Section 54-7-10. Custody and notice of unclaimed stranded goods. - If any ship, vessel, goods or effects shall be stranded...
Section 54-7-20. Sale of unclaimed stranded goods. - If such goods be not claimed within sixty days after...
Section 54-7-30. Repelling entry into stranded vessels; carrying away saved goods. - Any person, not empowered, who shall enter or try to...
Section 54-7-40. Issuance of warrants for stolen goods; penalty for retention. - Any magistrate on information, upon oath, of any part of...
Section 54-7-50. Salvage allowed informer. - Any person discovering where any such goods are wrongfully bought,...
Section 54-7-60. Restoration of goods taken from vessel; reward; penalty for offering for sale. - If any person shall offer or expose for sale any...
Section 54-7-100. Hunley Commission established; coordinates exempt from disclosure. - (A) A committee of nine members of the "Hunley Commission"...
Section 54-7-110. Caption to be added to certain films relating to the Hunley. - The Hunley Commission and the South Carolina Educational Television Commission...
Section 54-7-120. Repealed by 2007 Act No. 98, Section 3. - Editor's Note Former Section 54-7-120 was entitled "CSS Pee Dee...
Section 54-7-610. Short title. - This article may be cited as the South Carolina Underwater...
Section 54-7-620. Definitions. - As used in this article: (1) "Artifact", "artifactual item", or...
Section 54-7-630. Title to all submerged paleontological property and submerged archaeological historic property and artifacts in state; may be conveyed to licensee. - (A) All submerged archaeological historic property and artifacts and all...
Section 54-7-640. Custodians of submerged archaeological historic property and artifacts, submerged paleontological material, and other things of value. - (A) The custodian of submerged archaeological historic property and artifacts...
Section 54-7-650. Licenses to conduct activities affecting submerged archaeological historic properties or paleontological properties; disposition of recovered property; permission to recover other property. - (A) A person desiring to conduct activities pursuant to this...
Section 54-7-660. No license required for non-disturbing inspection, study, and the like. - A person may inspect, study, explore, photograph, measure, record, conduct...
Section 54-7-670. Hobby licenses; reports of hobby divers as to finds; restrictions. - (A) A person desiring to conduct temporary, intermittent, recreational, small...
Section 54-7-680. Repealed by 2002 Act No. 364, Section 13, eff September 26, 2002. - Editor's Note Former Section 54-7-680 was entitled "Instructional licenses; reports;...
Section 54-7-690. Intensive survey licenses; data recovery licenses; waiver; applications. - (A) The institute may issue an intensive survey license or...
Section 54-7-700. Exclusive license for excavation or disturbance of submerged archaeological historic property and submerged paleontological property; conditions for issuance. - (A) The institute may issue an exclusive license for the...
Section 54-7-710. Criteria for determining whether to issue exclusive license; public hearing optional. - (A) The institute shall consider at least the following criteria...
Section 54-7-720. Delayed issuance of license; denial of license; reconsideration of denial. - (A)(1) The institute may approve an exclusive license application from...
Section 54-7-730. Provisions which must be shown on license issued by institute. - (A) Each license issued by the institute must contain at...
Section 54-7-740. Additional provisions applicable to licenses issued by State Archaeologist. - For each license issued by the State Underwater Archaeologist the...
Section 54-7-750. Additional provisions pertaining to intensive survey licenses. - (A) The conditions set forth in this section for intensive...
Section 54-7-760. Additional provisions pertaining to data recovery licenses. - (A) The conditions established in this section for data recovery...
Section 54-7-770. Modification of licenses; property disposition agreements. - Upon the written request of the licensee, or if considered...
Section 54-7-785. Finder of wreck other than licensed salvor; share of recovery. - If the finder of a wreck is other than the...
Section 54-7-790. License not required of institute or of museum. - (A) A license is not required of the institute for...
Section 54-7-800. Suspension of license; revocation or restoration; grounds for revocation; notice and hearing; appropriation of data and artifacts recovered as result of violation of Article. - (A) The institute may suspend operations under a license at...
Section 54-7-810. Violation of Article a misdemeanor; penalties. - (A)(1) A person who violates any of the provisions of...
Section 54-7-815. Excavation or salvage of certain sunken warships unlawful. - Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person may excavate...
Section 54-7-820. Retention and confidentiality of data provided to institute; exemption from liability; discovery of human remains or grave sites; issuance of licenses and administration of article; waivers and variances. - (A) The institute reserves the right to retain and distribute...
Section 54-7-830. Privately-owned land not subject to Article. - Nothing in this article may be construed to limit or...
Section 54-7-840. Educational program; underwater archaeologist on staff of institute. - The institute shall: (1) establish and maintain an educational program...
Section 54-7-850. Retention and use of license fees. - All license fees received by the institute pursuant to this...