The election for the commissioners of the port utilities commission of such cities may be held in the following manner: Upon the duly signed petition of registered electors qualified to vote in such cities equal in number to twenty-five per cent of the votes cast for all candidates for mayor at the last preceding city election of such city, showing the residence and occupation of each petitioner, the mayor shall, by proclamation, order a special election to be held at a time specified in such proclamation, not later than two months and not earlier than two weeks after such petition shall be duly filed with the proper officer. Those entitled to vote at such special election shall be all those who are then duly qualified registered electors of such cities. Such special election shall be held and conducted as is provided by law for the conduct of municipal elections.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 54-103; 1952 Code Section 54-103; 1942 Code Section 7561; 1932 Code Section 7577; Civ. C. '22 Section 4759; 1920 (31) 969.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 54 - Ports and Maritime Matters
Chapter 5 - Port And Terminal Utilities And Commissions In Cities
Section 54-5-10. Establishment and operation of port and terminal utilities.
Section 54-5-20. Port utilities commissions; commissioners and their terms.
Section 54-5-30. Elections for commissioners.
Section 54-5-40. Organization of commission.
Section 54-5-50. Vacancies in commission.
Section 54-5-60. General powers of commission.
Section 54-5-80. Power of commission to incur indebtedness.
Section 54-5-90. Monthly financial statement.
Section 54-5-100. Tax exemption of port and terminal utilities.