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Section 54-5-10. Establishment and operation of port and terminal utilities. - All cities of this State having a population of fifty...
Section 54-5-20. Port utilities commissions; commissioners and their terms. - For the purpose of exercising the power vested in such...
Section 54-5-30. Elections for commissioners. - The election for the commissioners of the port utilities commission...
Section 54-5-40. Organization of commission. - The persons so elected, designated or appointed to such office...
Section 54-5-50. Vacancies in commission. - The mayor and alderman of any such city shall fill...
Section 54-5-60. General powers of commission. - The port utilities commission of any such city may in...
Section 54-5-70. Actions for injury or wrongful death from construction or operation of port or terminal facilities. - Any person who sustains injuries to his person or whose...
Section 54-5-80. Power of commission to incur indebtedness. - The commission shall have no power to incur any indebtedness...
Section 54-5-90. Monthly financial statement. - The port utilities commission of any such city shall make...
Section 54-5-100. Tax exemption of port and terminal utilities. - All property acquired by any city of this State for...
Section 54-5-110. Chapter is cumulative. - The powers conferred by this chapter upon such cities of...