A violation of any of the provisions of Section 53-1-40 shall be punished by a fine of not less than fifty dollars nor more than two hundred fifty dollars in the case of the first offense, and by a fine of not less than one hundred dollars nor more than five hundred dollars for each and every subsequent offense. Each separate sale, offer or attempt to sell on Sunday, and each Sunday a person is engaged in other work, labor or business in violation of Section 53-1-40, or employs others to be so engaged, shall constitute a separate offense.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 64-2.3; 1962 (52) 2134.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 53 - Sundays, Holidays and Other Special Days
Section 53-1-6. Failure of law enforcement officer to enforce provisions of chapter.
Section 53-1-10. Permit required for holding sports and entertainment events.
Section 53-1-15. Certain automobile races exempt from prohibitions of section 53-1-10.
Section 53-1-40. Unlawful to work on Sunday.
Section 53-1-50. Exceptions to prohibition on Sunday work.
Section 53-1-60. Sale of certain items on Sunday prohibited.
Section 53-1-70. Penalties for violating prohibition on Sunday work.
Section 53-1-80. Sunday work declared public nuisance; injunctive relief; time off to attend church.
Section 53-1-90. Prohibitions on Sunday work and sales shall not affect certain businesses.
Section 53-1-130. Exceptions for manufacturing plants requiring continuous operation.
Section 53-1-140. Manufacturing of bakery products as requiring continuous operation.