The equipment, machinery, and supplies given under the will, for the operation of the race course, are hereby accepted by the State of South Carolina. The Association shall annually review the equipment, machinery, and supplies and it may transfer, swap, purchase, update, and maintain, and otherwise provide for the necessary equipment for the maintenance of the race course in the manner as it has been maintained formerly.
HISTORY: 1984 Act No. 313, Section 5.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 52 - Amusements and Athletic Contests
Section 52-5-10. Race horses shall not be entered under assumed names or out of proper class.
Section 52-5-20. Name of horse shall not be changed.
Section 52-5-30. Determination of class.
Section 52-5-40. Misrepresenting or concealing former performance.
Section 52-5-100. Short title.
Section 52-5-110. Bequest of property to State for equestrian center.
Section 52-5-120. Establishment of "Springdale Fund"; sale of property.
Section 52-5-140. Equipment, machinery, and supplies.
Section 52-5-150. Use of profits from operation of training and equestrian center.