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Section 52-5-10. Race horses shall not be entered under assumed names or out of proper class. - It shall be unlawful for any person knowingly to enter...
Section 52-5-20. Name of horse shall not be changed. - The name of any horse, for the purpose of entry...
Section 52-5-30. Determination of class. - The class to which a horse belongs, for the purpose...
Section 52-5-40. Misrepresenting or concealing former performance. - Any person knowingly misrepresenting or fraudulently concealing the public performance...
Section 52-5-100. Short title. - This act may be cited as the Marion duPont Scott...
Section 52-5-110. Bequest of property to State for equestrian center. - The State of South Carolina accepts the gift as defined...
Section 52-5-120. Establishment of "Springdale Fund"; sale of property. - The State of South Carolina hereby accepts the bequest of...
Section 52-5-130. Carolina Cup races; Colonial Cup International Steeplechase and other related races. - In accordance with the terms of the will of Marion...
Section 52-5-140. Equipment, machinery, and supplies. - The equipment, machinery, and supplies given under the will, for...
Section 52-5-150. Use of profits from operation of training and equestrian center. - In the operation of the training and equestrian center, the...