Whenever the department has sufficient evidence that any person is violating any provision of this chapter, it may, in addition to all other remedies, order such person to immediately desist and refrain from such conduct. The department may apply to an administrative law judge as provided under Article 5 of Chapter 23 of Title 1 for an injunction restraining the person from such conduct. An administrative law judge as provided under Article 5 of Chapter 23 of Title 1 may issue a temporary injunction ex parte, and upon notice and full hearing may issue any other order in the matter it deems proper. No bond shall be required of the department by an administrative law judge as provided under Article 5 of Chapter 23 of Title 1 as a condition to the issuance of any injunction or order contemplated by the provisions of this section.
HISTORY: 1994 Act No. 408, Section 38, eff 60 days after May 24, 1994.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 52 - Amusements and Athletic Contests
Section 52-19-10. Intent of act.
Section 52-19-20. "Bungee jumping" defined; each bungee operation considered a new device.
Section 52-19-30. Prohibited acts.
Section 52-19-50. Definitions.
Section 52-19-70. Insurance; proof of insurance.
Section 52-19-80. Jump master required; adjustments for each jumper's weight.
Section 52-19-110. Jump point, maximum eighty foot drop.
Section 52-19-120. Safety air bag.
Section 52-19-130. Landing area; recovery area; jump space; landing pad.
Section 52-19-140. System for lowering jumper to landing pad; person to monitor lowering.
Section 52-19-150. Bungee cord.
Section 52-19-160. Jumper harness; requirements; ankle strap or harness prohibited.
Section 52-19-180. Carabineers; pulleys, shackles; webbing; tape knots.
Section 52-19-190. Lifelines; safety harness for jumper, persons on platform.
Section 52-19-210. Storage of equipment.
Section 52-19-240. Sign specifying medical, weight, and age restrictions.
Section 52-19-250. Telephone link to 911 or similar service.
Section 52-19-260. Emergency and medical precautions and training.
Section 52-19-290. Required staff, personal.
Section 52-19-300. Staff breaks; backup staff.
Section 52-19-310. Operations manual; revisions.
Section 52-19-330. Written jump procedures.
Section 52-19-340. Written check list for close down procedures; violation of act.
Section 52-19-350. Documents to be filed with department.
Section 52-19-370. Civil penalties.
Section 52-19-380. Cease and desist order; injunction; no bond required.