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Section 52-19-10. Intent of act. - This chapter is intended to specify and give guidance as...
Section 52-19-20. "Bungee jumping" defined; each bungee operation considered a new device. - (A) For purposes of this chapter, the term " bungee...
Section 52-19-30. Prohibited acts. - (A) The practice of bungee jumping from a device other...
Section 52-19-40. Fines and penalties; operation after permit suspended or revoked, or after stop operation order or imminent danger order issued, prohibited. - (A) Upon violation of any provision of this chapter, the...
Section 52-19-50. Definitions. - The following definitions are applicable for the purposes of this...
Section 52-19-60. Permit required; requirements for ownership, operation; applications; reports; fees; periodic inspections. - (A) It is unlawful for any person to own or...
Section 52-19-70. Insurance; proof of insurance. - Before the department may issue a permit to the owner...
Section 52-19-80. Jump master required; adjustments for each jumper's weight. - (A) The owner must allow bungee jumps to be conducted...
Section 52-19-90. Consent of parent, guardian; disclosure of medical conditions; intoxicated jumper or jumper who poses danger. - (A) The owner must secure the consent of a parent...
Section 52-19-100. Platform; preparation place; gate; cord connections; indication of maximum platform capacity. - (A) The permanent platform must be operated with a minimum...
Section 52-19-110. Jump point, maximum eighty foot drop. - The jump point shall be no higher than eighty feet...
Section 52-19-120. Safety air bag. - (A) The owner must provide a safety air bag for...
Section 52-19-130. Landing area; recovery area; jump space; landing pad. - The owner must comply with the following as to the...
Section 52-19-140. System for lowering jumper to landing pad; person to monitor lowering. - The owner must provide a system for lowering the jumper...
Section 52-19-150. Bungee cord. - (A) The bungee cord must be designed and tested to...
Section 52-19-160. Jumper harness; requirements; ankle strap or harness prohibited. - No bungee jump shall be operated unless the owner provides...
Section 52-19-170. Ropes. - All ropes for holding or lowering the jumper must have...
Section 52-19-180. Carabineers; pulleys, shackles; webbing; tape knots. - (A) Carabineers must be of the steel screw gate type...
Section 52-19-190. Lifelines; safety harness for jumper, persons on platform. - (A) Lifelines must be attached to all bungee personnel while...
Section 52-19-200. Owner's duties; testing, inspection, replacement, correction; records; operations manual; weight classes; color codes for cords. - (A) The owner must ensure that: (1) all bungee cords,...
Section 52-19-210. Storage of equipment. - The owner must provide storage to protect equipment from physical,...
Section 52-19-220. Fence. - The owner must maintain a fence designed and constructed to...
Section 52-19-230. Public address system; radio or telephone link to platform; clothing to indicate staff status. - The owner must provide and maintain or ensure at each...
Section 52-19-240. Sign specifying medical, weight, and age restrictions. - A sign must be erected at each bungee jumping site...
Section 52-19-250. Telephone link to 911 or similar service. - The owner must provide and maintain a telephone communication link...
Section 52-19-260. Emergency and medical precautions and training. - The owner must provide for, maintain, and ensure the following:...
Section 52-19-270. Required emergency procedures, equipment, and plan; agreement with emergency response system. - The owner must provide and maintain emergency procedures for each...
Section 52-19-280. Reporting deaths, serious injury, accidents; closing operation until authorized to resume. - (A) If an accident involving a bungee jump results in...
Section 52-19-290. Required staff, personal. - The owner must maintain at least the following staff at...
Section 52-19-300. Staff breaks; backup staff. - It is the owner's responsibility to ensure that staff take...
Section 52-19-310. Operations manual; revisions. - The owner must provide and maintain an operations manual at...
Section 52-19-320. Written checklist for daily operating procedures; permanent log of daily activities. - (A) The owner must provide and maintain a written checklist...
Section 52-19-330. Written jump procedures. - The owner must provide and maintain written jump procedures which...
Section 52-19-340. Written check list for close down procedures; violation of act. - (A) The owner must provide and maintain a written check...
Section 52-19-350. Documents to be filed with department. - The following documents must be filed with the department by...
Section 52-19-360. Revocation of permit, fine, for violation; notice, hearing, and procedure; reinstatement of permit. - (A) The department may revoke any permit issued pursuant to...
Section 52-19-370. Civil penalties. - (A) Any person who knowingly and wilfully operates a bungee...
Section 52-19-380. Cease and desist order; injunction; no bond required. - Whenever the department has sufficient evidence that any person is...