South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 3 - Department Of Natural Resources
Section 50-3-370. Obtaining information on violations; checking bag limits.

All enforcement officers shall obtain information as to all violations of the bird, nonmigratory fish, and game laws, and check all bag limits, size and specie of such birds, nonmigratory fish and game.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 28-137; 1952 (47) 2179; 1993 Act No. 181, Section 1258.

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 50 - Fish, Game and Watercraft

Chapter 3 - Department Of Natural Resources

Section 50-3-10. Former Wildlife and Marine Resources Department transferred to Department of Natural Resources.

Section 50-3-80. Investigations; reports and recommendations.

Section 50-3-90. Conducting game and fish cultural operations and investigations; sampling fish populations.

Section 50-3-100. Acquisition, sale or other disposition of real property for game reserves, fish ponds, or other related purposes.

Section 50-3-110. Supervision of enforcement officers; enforcement of laws.

Section 50-3-120. Wildlife law-enforcement personnel designated as enforcement officers.

Section 50-3-130. Uniforms and emblems of enforcement officers of Natural Resources Law Enforcement Division.

Section 50-3-140. Publication of description of uniforms and emblems.

Section 50-3-150. Use of present uniforms and motor vehicles.

Section 50-3-160. Injunctions.

Section 50-3-170. Quarterly reports on county fish and game funds and watercraft funds.

Section 50-3-180. Mitigation Trust Fund.

Section 50-3-190. Statewide Waterfowl Program Manager; duties; requirements.

Section 50-3-195. Waterfowl Advisory Committee established; membership.

Section 50-3-310. Appointment of enforcement officers; commissions; removal.

Section 50-3-315. Deputy enforcement officers.

Section 50-3-316. Criteria for hiring enforcement officers.

Section 50-3-320. Transmittal and delivery of commissions of enforcement officers.

Section 50-3-330. Oath; bond.

Section 50-3-340. Statewide authority of enforcement officers.

Section 50-3-350. Official badge.

Section 50-3-360. Repealed by 2008 Act No. 286, Section 11, eff June 11, 2008.

Section 50-3-370. Obtaining information on violations; checking bag limits.

Section 50-3-380. Search for and seizure of game and fish possessed unlawfully.

Section 50-3-390. Duty to enforce laws and prosecute.

Section 50-3-395. Enforcement officers may issue warning tickets.

Section 50-3-396. Use of enforcement officers' official summons for littering violations.

Section 50-3-400. Enforcement officers granted powers and authorities of constables and authority of inspectors.

Section 50-3-410. Summons; posting of monetary bond in lieu of personal appearance or incarceration.

Section 50-3-420. Immunity from prosecution.

Section 50-3-510. Authorization to contract; required findings; approval by State Forester.

Section 50-3-515. Exception for lands which were used for agriculture or managed forestland before acquisition by department.

Section 50-3-520. Advertising for bids; rejection of bids; terms of sale.

Section 50-3-525. Ecological or silviculture emergencies or natural disasters.

Section 50-3-530. Execution of deeds and contracts.

Section 50-3-540. Omitted by 2010 Act No. 186, Section 1, eff May 28, 2010.

Section 50-3-550. Disposition of proceeds of sale.

Section 50-3-710. Wildlife Endowment Fund; purpose.

Section 50-3-720. Board of Trustees of Wildlife Endowment Fund; State Treasurer as custodian of fund.

Section 50-3-730. Source of assets for fund.

Section 50-3-740. Limitations and restrictions on expenditures from fund.

Section 50-3-750. Authority of board to accumulate income and direct expenditures from income.

Section 50-3-760. Expenditures to be in accordance with general appropriation act.

Section 50-3-770. Fund as supplement to state appropriations.

Section 50-3-780. Fund not affected by dissolution or substitution of trustee agency or by amendment or repeal of statutes.

Section 50-3-790, 50-3-800. Repealed by 2010 Act No. 233, Section 13, eff July 1, 2010.

Section 50-3-900. Creation of Jocassee Gorges Trust Fund; purpose.

Section 50-3-910. Board of Trustees; duties; members.

Section 50-3-920. Sources of fund assets.

Section 50-3-930. Expenditures; limitations and restrictions.

Section 50-3-940. Investment income; expenditures for specified purposes.

Section 50-3-950. Procedure for making expenditures.

Section 50-3-960. Fund and income not to take place of state appropriations or department receipts.

Section 50-3-970. Alternate trusteeship of fund.

Section 50-3-1010. South Carolina Tom Yawkey Wildlife Center Trust Fund.

Section 50-3-1020. Board of Trustees.

Section 50-3-1030. Assets of fund.

Section 50-3-1040. Restrictions on expenditures from fund.

Section 50-3-1050. Expenditure of income.

Section 50-3-1060. State appropriations or department receipts placed in fund.

Section 50-3-1070. Successor agency.

Section 50-3-1110. Conservation Grant Fund established.

Section 50-3-1120. Board; administration of fund.

Section 50-3-1130. Funding.

Section 50-3-1140. Qualification for tax credit as requirement for real property to be subject of grant.

Section 50-3-1150. Uses of Fund revenues and grants; restrictions.

Section 50-3-1160. Grants; establishment of criteria for awarding; procedures.