South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 3 - Department Of Natural Resources
Section 50-3-160. Injunctions.

Any violation of Sections 50-3-130 to 50-3-160 may be enjoined by the court of common pleas upon petition of the department after due notice to the person violating the provisions of Sections 50-3-130 to 50-3-160 and after a hearing on the petition.
HISTORY: 1978 Act No. 456, Art. 2, Section 4; 1993 Act No. 181, Section 1258.

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 50 - Fish, Game and Watercraft

Chapter 3 - Department Of Natural Resources

Section 50-3-10. Former Wildlife and Marine Resources Department transferred to Department of Natural Resources.

Section 50-3-80. Investigations; reports and recommendations.

Section 50-3-90. Conducting game and fish cultural operations and investigations; sampling fish populations.

Section 50-3-100. Acquisition, sale or other disposition of real property for game reserves, fish ponds, or other related purposes.

Section 50-3-110. Supervision of enforcement officers; enforcement of laws.

Section 50-3-120. Wildlife law-enforcement personnel designated as enforcement officers.

Section 50-3-130. Uniforms and emblems of enforcement officers of Natural Resources Law Enforcement Division.

Section 50-3-140. Publication of description of uniforms and emblems.

Section 50-3-150. Use of present uniforms and motor vehicles.

Section 50-3-160. Injunctions.

Section 50-3-170. Quarterly reports on county fish and game funds and watercraft funds.

Section 50-3-180. Mitigation Trust Fund.

Section 50-3-190. Statewide Waterfowl Program Manager; duties; requirements.

Section 50-3-195. Waterfowl Advisory Committee established; membership.

Section 50-3-310. Appointment of enforcement officers; commissions; removal.

Section 50-3-315. Deputy enforcement officers.

Section 50-3-316. Criteria for hiring enforcement officers.

Section 50-3-320. Transmittal and delivery of commissions of enforcement officers.

Section 50-3-330. Oath; bond.

Section 50-3-340. Statewide authority of enforcement officers.

Section 50-3-350. Official badge.

Section 50-3-360. Repealed by 2008 Act No. 286, Section 11, eff June 11, 2008.

Section 50-3-370. Obtaining information on violations; checking bag limits.

Section 50-3-380. Search for and seizure of game and fish possessed unlawfully.

Section 50-3-390. Duty to enforce laws and prosecute.

Section 50-3-395. Enforcement officers may issue warning tickets.

Section 50-3-396. Use of enforcement officers' official summons for littering violations.

Section 50-3-400. Enforcement officers granted powers and authorities of constables and authority of inspectors.

Section 50-3-410. Summons; posting of monetary bond in lieu of personal appearance or incarceration.

Section 50-3-420. Immunity from prosecution.

Section 50-3-510. Authorization to contract; required findings; approval by State Forester.

Section 50-3-515. Exception for lands which were used for agriculture or managed forestland before acquisition by department.

Section 50-3-520. Advertising for bids; rejection of bids; terms of sale.

Section 50-3-525. Ecological or silviculture emergencies or natural disasters.

Section 50-3-530. Execution of deeds and contracts.

Section 50-3-540. Omitted by 2010 Act No. 186, Section 1, eff May 28, 2010.

Section 50-3-550. Disposition of proceeds of sale.

Section 50-3-710. Wildlife Endowment Fund; purpose.

Section 50-3-720. Board of Trustees of Wildlife Endowment Fund; State Treasurer as custodian of fund.

Section 50-3-730. Source of assets for fund.

Section 50-3-740. Limitations and restrictions on expenditures from fund.

Section 50-3-750. Authority of board to accumulate income and direct expenditures from income.

Section 50-3-760. Expenditures to be in accordance with general appropriation act.

Section 50-3-770. Fund as supplement to state appropriations.

Section 50-3-780. Fund not affected by dissolution or substitution of trustee agency or by amendment or repeal of statutes.

Section 50-3-790, 50-3-800. Repealed by 2010 Act No. 233, Section 13, eff July 1, 2010.

Section 50-3-900. Creation of Jocassee Gorges Trust Fund; purpose.

Section 50-3-910. Board of Trustees; duties; members.

Section 50-3-920. Sources of fund assets.

Section 50-3-930. Expenditures; limitations and restrictions.

Section 50-3-940. Investment income; expenditures for specified purposes.

Section 50-3-950. Procedure for making expenditures.

Section 50-3-960. Fund and income not to take place of state appropriations or department receipts.

Section 50-3-970. Alternate trusteeship of fund.

Section 50-3-1010. South Carolina Tom Yawkey Wildlife Center Trust Fund.

Section 50-3-1020. Board of Trustees.

Section 50-3-1030. Assets of fund.

Section 50-3-1040. Restrictions on expenditures from fund.

Section 50-3-1050. Expenditure of income.

Section 50-3-1060. State appropriations or department receipts placed in fund.

Section 50-3-1070. Successor agency.

Section 50-3-1110. Conservation Grant Fund established.

Section 50-3-1120. Board; administration of fund.

Section 50-3-1130. Funding.

Section 50-3-1140. Qualification for tax credit as requirement for real property to be subject of grant.

Section 50-3-1150. Uses of Fund revenues and grants; restrictions.

Section 50-3-1160. Grants; establishment of criteria for awarding; procedures.