South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 21 - Equipment And Operation Of Watercraft
Section 50-21-30. Watercraft laws and ordinances; special rules and regulations.

(A) For the purposes of this section, "floating structure" means a man-made object other than a watercraft that is capable of flotation and that is not authorized by a permit issued by an agency of this State.
(B) The provisions of Title 50 and other applicable laws of this State shall govern the operation, equipment, titling, numbering, and all other matters relating thereto for watercraft and water devices using or held for use on the waters of this State. A local government may not adopt an ordinance regulating watercraft or water devices used or held for use on the waters of this State unless the ordinance is:
(1) identical to a provision of this chapter;
(2) identical to a regulation promulgated under the authority of a provision of this chapter; or
(3) authorized pursuant to the provisions of this section.
(C)(1) A local government may adopt an ordinance requiring a permit for a watercraft or floating structure to remain moored, anchored, or otherwise located in any one five-mile radius on public waters within its local jurisdiction for more than fourteen consecutive days. The cost of a permit required by a local government may not exceed fifteen dollars. An ordinance adopted pursuant to this subsection must not apply to watercraft:
(a) moored to a dock or marina berth with permission from the dock or berth owner;
(b) moored to a mooring buoy that is permitted by the Department of Health and Environmental Control with permission from the buoy owner; or
(c) moored to a mooring buoy with permission from the buoy owner, provided that the buoy is in the location as it existed on public waters on June 30, 2021.
(2) Notwithstanding Section 5-7-140(B), the corporate limits of any municipality bordering on the high-water mark of a navigable body of water, other than the Atlantic Ocean, are extended to the center of the channel of the navigable body of water for the sole purpose of enforcing an ordinance adopted pursuant to this subsection.
(D) An officer of the department who reasonably believes that watercraft within a local government's jurisdiction is in violation of an ordinance adopted pursuant to the provisions of this section must provide the location of the watercraft to the local government.
(E) The department is hereby authorized to make special rules and regulations with reference to the operation of watercraft on the waters of this State.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 70-295.2; 1955 (49) 299; 1959 (51) 409; 1972 (57) 2791; 1993 Act No. 181, Section 1269; 2008 Act No. 344, Section 3, eff six months after approval (approved June 11, 2008); 2021 Act No. 77 (H.3865), Section 1, eff July 1, 2021.
Effect of Amendment
The 2008 amendment, in subsection (1), substituted "Title 50" for "this chapter", added 'titling", substituted "for watercraft and water devices using or held for use on" for "whenever any vessel shall be operated on" and "watercraft;" for "vessels the provisions of which are identical to the provisions of this chapter, amendments thereto, or regulations issued thereunder;" and made nonsubstantive language changes.
2021 Act No. 77, Section 1, rewrote the section.

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 50 - Fish, Game and Watercraft

Chapter 21 - Equipment And Operation Of Watercraft

Section 50-21-5. Short title.

Section 50-21-10. Definitions.

Section 50-21-20. Legislative declaration of policy.

Section 50-21-30. Watercraft laws and ordinances; special rules and regulations.

Section 50-21-35. Repealed by 2008 Act No. 344, Section 30, eff 6 months after approval (approved June 11, 2008).

Section 50-21-40. Administration of chapter.

Section 50-21-45. Administration of oaths; acknowledgment of signatures.

Section 50-21-50. Director and other personnel to carry out provisions of chapter; salary and terms of employment.

Section 50-21-60. Repealed by 2008 Act No. 344, Section 30, eff 6 months after approval (approved June 11, 2008).

Section 50-21-70. Limit on expenses and costs of administration.

Section 50-21-80. Enforcement of provisions of chapter; authority to issue summons or make arrests.

Section 50-21-85. Conditions for operation of vessel displaying blue light; operating procedure in presence of such vessel; violations.

Section 50-21-87. Operation of vessel prohibited within fifty feet of vessel displaying diver down flag; diving prohibited within fifty feet of vessel whose occupant is fishing.

Section 50-21-90. Boating safety and educational program.

Section 50-21-100. Records to be kept by owners of boat liveries.

Section 50-21-105. Towing of watercraft by department.

Section 50-21-110. Negligent operation of water device; offense; penalties.

Section 50-21-111. Reckless operation of water device; offense; penalties.

Section 50-21-112. Operation of moving motorized water device or water device under sail while under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol; offense; penalties.

Section 50-21-113. Operation of moving water device while under the influence of alcohol or drugs resulting in property damage, great bodily injury or death; penalties.

Section 50-21-114. Chemical test or analysis of breath, blood, or urine; implied consent; presumptions arising from blood alcohol content levels.

Section 50-21-115. Reckless homicide by operation of boat; penalty; persons convicted of certain offenses prohibited from operating boat.

Section 50-21-116. Chemical tests to determine presence of alcohol and/or drugs; requesting additional tests; release of results.

Section 50-21-117. Operation of water device while privileges suspended; offense; penalties.

Section 50-21-120. Duty of boat livery as to equipment, registration and the like; liability of owner for negligent operation of vessel.

Section 50-21-125. Restrictions on swimming near public landing on hydroelectric generation lake or reservoir; no wake zone.

Section 50-21-130. Duties of vessel operator involved in collision; offense and penalties; immunity of person rendering assistance; accident reports; suspension of privileges.

Section 50-21-132 to 50-21-139. Repealed by 2008 Act No. 321, Section 6, eff 6 months after approval (approved June 16, 2008).

Section 50-21-140. Division to furnish information on collisions and numbering of vessels to officials or agencies of United States.

Section 50-21-142 to 50-21-145. Repealed by 2008 Act No. 321, Section 6, eff 6 months after approval (approved June 16, 2008).

Section 50-21-146. Discharging firearm at boat landing or ramp prohibited.

Section 50-21-147. Repealed by 2008 Act No. 321, Section 6, eff 6 months after approval (approved June 16, 2008).

Section 50-21-148. Prohibition against obstruction of pier, dock, wharf, boat ramp, or access areas; erection of signs; penalties for violation.

Section 50-21-149. Repealed by 2008 Act No. 321, Section 6, eff 6 months after approval (approved June 16, 2008).

Section 50-21-150. Penalties.

Section 50-21-160. Disposition of fees and fines.

Section 50-21-170. Relationship between state and federal regulations; effect of changes in federal law or regulations.

Section 50-21-175. Watercraft to heave to on Coast Guard signal; cooperation by operator, crew and passengers; penalties; magistrates court jurisdiction.

Section 50-21-180. Riding surfboard near fishing piers.

Section 50-21-190. Abandoning watercraft or outboard motor; penalty; removal.

Section 50-21-610. Regulations of Division as to construction, equipment, and other safety standards.

Section 50-21-710. Placing of aids to navigation and regulatory markers; certain conduct prima facie evidence of negligence; prohibited acts.

Section 50-21-810. Motorboat towing person on water skis or similar device to have observer or rear-view mirror.

Section 50-21-820. Water skiing, surfboarding, and similar activity prohibited during certain hours.

Section 50-21-830. Exemptions.

Section 50-21-840. Certain conduct which endangers person on water skis, surfboard, or similar device prohibited.

Section 50-21-850. Ski belt, life preserver, or similar equipment required; exceptions.

Section 50-21-855. Enforcement of regulations affecting windsurfers and sailboarders.

Section 50-21-860. Restrictions on use of airboats.

Section 50-21-870. Personal watercraft and boating safety.

Section 50-21-1010. Regulation of regattas, races, and similar exhibitions.