South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 15 - Nongame And Endangered Species
Section 50-15-500. Legislative findings; alligator management program.

(A) The General Assembly finds that the American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) was reclassified by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service from endangered or threatened to "threatened due to similarity of appearance throughout the remainder of its range" pursuant to the federal Endangered Species Act (16 U.S.C. 1531) and the regulations issued to implement that act. American alligators may now be taken under federal law in compliance with 50 C.F.R. 17.42(a)(2)(ii). Therefore, in order to create more opportunity for hunting and for the controlled harvest of the alligator, the General Assembly finds it in the best interest of the State to allow the taking of the alligator under strictly controlled conditions and circumstances and in compliance with federal law.
(B)(1) The department must establish an alligator management program that allows for hunting and for selective removal of alligators in order to provide for the sound management of the animals and to ensure the continued viability of the species. The department must set the conditions for taking, including the size, methods of take, areas, times and seasons, disposition of the parts, and other conditions to properly control the harvest of alligators and the disposition of parts. The department may allow alligators to be taken at any time of the year, in any area, including sanctuaries, as part of its alligator management program. All alligators taken under the alligator management program must be taken pursuant to permits and tags and under conditions established by the department in accordance with state and federal law. All alligators taken must be tagged. Except for those persons operating under authority of depredation permits, a person who hunts, takes, or attempts to take an alligator must have a hunting license. It is unlawful for a depredation permit holder or his or her designee to sell, barter, or trade or offer to sell, barter, or trade the privilege to take an alligator under the authority of a depredation permit.
(2) The department may establish an alligator hunting season. The department may issue alligator permits and tags to allow hunting and taking of alligators in any game zone where alligators occur. A person desiring to hunt and take alligators must apply to the department.
(3) A landowner or lessee of property on which alligators occur may apply to the department for a permit to participate in the Private Lands Alligator Program. On those private lands, the season for hunting and taking alligators is from September first through May thirty-first. On those lands in the private lands program only, unsecured alligators may be taken by firearms, provided no alligator may be taken by use of rim fire weapons or shotguns. Unsecured alligators may be taken only by firearms from thirty minutes before sunrise until thirty minutes after sunset. A person who takes an alligator by use of firearms must make a reasonable effort to recover the carcass at the time of taking or for the next ensuing forty-eight hours. A person using a firearm to take an alligator must have a gaff or grappling hook or other similar device to immediately locate and recover the carcass.
(4) The department may designate alligator control agents who demonstrate by training and experience that they possess the skills to remove alligators. Those persons designated serve at the discretion of the department. The department may require periodic demonstrations of skill or require periodic training. Alligator control agents function under the general guidance and supervision of the department for the capture and removal of nuisance alligators including the disposition of the alligator or its parts.
(C) It is unlawful to feed, entice, or molest an alligator except as permitted under state and federal law. A person who violates this subsection is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, must be fined not less than one hundred dollars nor more than one hundred fifty dollars or imprisoned for up to thirty days, or both. The magistrates court retains jurisdiction over this offense.
(D) A person who hunts or takes an alligator, or allows an alligator to be hunted or taken, or possesses or disposes of alligator parts, except as allowed by this section and the implementing regulations, is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, must be fined not less than five hundred dollars nor more than two thousand five hundred dollars or imprisoned for up to thirty days, or both. The magistrates court retains jurisdiction over this offense. In addition, the court may order restitution for any animal or part of an animal taken, possessed, or transferred in violation of this section.
HISTORY: 2014 Act No. 159 (S.714), Section 2, eff April 14, 2014.

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 50 - Fish, Game and Watercraft

Chapter 15 - Nongame And Endangered Species

Section 50-15-10. Definitions.

Section 50-15-15. Native reptiles; regulations; unlawful acts.

Section 50-15-20. Investigations on nongame wildlife by department; regulations; management programs; public hearings; prohibited acts.

Section 50-15-30. Endangered species listed; review and amendment of list; unlawful to take, deal in, or transport species on lists.

Section 50-15-40. Establishing and carrying out programs for management of nongame and endangered wildlife; removal, capture, or destruction of wildlife.

Section 50-15-50. Criteria of designating land as certified management area for endangered species; review and revision.

Section 50-15-55. Nonnative reptiles; regulations; unlawful acts; exceptions.

Section 50-15-60. Promulgation of regulations.

Section 50-15-65. Omitted by 2014 Act No. 159, Section 1, eff April 14, 2014.

Section 50-15-70. Native turtles; unlawful acts; possession limits.

Section 50-15-75. Omitted by 2014 Act No. 159, Section 1, eff April 14, 2014.

Section 50-15-80. Penalties; searches and seizures; power to arrest; disposition of confiscated property.

Section 50-15-90. Article not retroactive; certain importation not prohibited.

Section 50-15-310. Definitions.

Section 50-15-320. Permit to engage in the business of propagating alligators for commercial purposes.

Section 50-15-330. Application; issuance of permit; expiration of permit.

Section 50-15-340. Tagging and labeling requirements; bond.

Section 50-15-350. Records; inspection; seizure.

Section 50-15-360. Retention of records by retailers.

Section 50-15-370. Unlawful possession of alligator hide or carcass; forfeiture; annual reports.

Section 50-15-380. Shipping of raw alligator skins in state must be tagged; penalties.

Section 50-15-390. Unlawful acts.

Section 50-15-400. Construction of permits if endangered species status changes.

Section 50-15-410. Forfeiture.

Section 50-15-420. Penalties.

Section 50-15-430. Regulations.

Section 50-15-500. Legislative findings; alligator management program.