South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 15 - Nongame And Endangered Species
Section 50-15-20. Investigations on nongame wildlife by department; regulations; management programs; public hearings; prohibited acts.

(A) The department shall conduct investigations on nongame wildlife in order to develop information relating to population, distribution, habitat, needs, limiting factors, and other biological and ecological data to determine management measures necessary for their continued ability to sustain themselves successfully. On the basis of such determinations the department shall issue proposed regulations and develop management programs designed to ensure the continued ability of nongame wildlife to perpetuate themselves successfully. Such proposed regulations shall set forth species or subspecies of nongame wildlife which the department deems in need of management pursuant to this section, giving their common and scientific names by species or subspecies. The department shall conduct ongoing investigations of nongame wildlife and may from time to time amend such regulations by adding or deleting therefrom species or subspecies of nongame wildlife.
(B) The department shall by such regulations establish proposed limitations relating to taking, possession, transportation, exportation, processing, sale or offer for sale, or shipment as may be deemed necessary to manage such nongame wildlife.
Such regulation shall become effective sixty days after being proposed during which period public comment shall be solicited and received. The board may hold a public hearing if deemed appropriate. On the basis of public comments received or the testimony at any such hearing the department may make such changes in the proposed regulation as are consistent with effective management of nongame wildlife.
(C) Except as provided in regulations issued by the department, it shall be unlawful for any person to take, possess, transport, export, process, sell, or offer for sale or ship nongame wildlife deemed by the department to be in need of management pursuant to this section. Subject to the same exception, it shall further be unlawful for any common or contract carrier knowingly to transport or receive for shipment nongame wildlife deemed by the department to be in need of management pursuant to this section.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 28-728; 1974 (58) 2384; 1993 Act No. 181, Section 1264; former 1976 Code Section 50-15-30; 2014 Act No. 159 (S.714), Section 1, eff April 14, 2014.
Effect of Amendment
2014 Act No. 159, Section 1, changed the paragraph designators to upper case, and in subsection (C), added a comma after "sell" in the first sentence.

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 50 - Fish, Game and Watercraft

Chapter 15 - Nongame And Endangered Species

Section 50-15-10. Definitions.

Section 50-15-15. Native reptiles; regulations; unlawful acts.

Section 50-15-20. Investigations on nongame wildlife by department; regulations; management programs; public hearings; prohibited acts.

Section 50-15-30. Endangered species listed; review and amendment of list; unlawful to take, deal in, or transport species on lists.

Section 50-15-40. Establishing and carrying out programs for management of nongame and endangered wildlife; removal, capture, or destruction of wildlife.

Section 50-15-50. Criteria of designating land as certified management area for endangered species; review and revision.

Section 50-15-55. Nonnative reptiles; regulations; unlawful acts; exceptions.

Section 50-15-60. Promulgation of regulations.

Section 50-15-65. Omitted by 2014 Act No. 159, Section 1, eff April 14, 2014.

Section 50-15-70. Native turtles; unlawful acts; possession limits.

Section 50-15-75. Omitted by 2014 Act No. 159, Section 1, eff April 14, 2014.

Section 50-15-80. Penalties; searches and seizures; power to arrest; disposition of confiscated property.

Section 50-15-90. Article not retroactive; certain importation not prohibited.

Section 50-15-310. Definitions.

Section 50-15-320. Permit to engage in the business of propagating alligators for commercial purposes.

Section 50-15-330. Application; issuance of permit; expiration of permit.

Section 50-15-340. Tagging and labeling requirements; bond.

Section 50-15-350. Records; inspection; seizure.

Section 50-15-360. Retention of records by retailers.

Section 50-15-370. Unlawful possession of alligator hide or carcass; forfeiture; annual reports.

Section 50-15-380. Shipping of raw alligator skins in state must be tagged; penalties.

Section 50-15-390. Unlawful acts.

Section 50-15-400. Construction of permits if endangered species status changes.

Section 50-15-410. Forfeiture.

Section 50-15-420. Penalties.

Section 50-15-430. Regulations.

Section 50-15-500. Legislative findings; alligator management program.