The Governor may remove any member of the Board for misconduct, incompetency, or neglect of duty.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 29-35; 1961 (52) 608.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 48 - Environmental Protection and Conservation
Chapter 27 - Registration Of Foresters
Section 48-27-10. Definitions.
Section 48-27-20. Creation of State Board of Registration for Foresters.
Section 48-27-30. Qualifications of board members.
Section 48-27-40. Compensation and expenses of board members.
Section 48-27-50. Removal of board members.
Section 48-27-60. Meetings of board; officers.
Section 48-27-70. Bond and salary of secretary.
Section 48-27-80. Bylaws of board; rules of procedure.
Section 48-27-110. Records of board; annual report.
Section 48-27-120. Licensing and registration as registered foresters; exceptions.
Section 48-27-130. Requirements for qualification as registered forester.
Section 48-27-140. Application and fee for registration.
Section 48-27-150. Examinations and re-examinations.
Section 48-27-160. Issuance and contents of licenses.
Section 48-27-170. Only individuals to be licensed.
Section 48-27-190. Expiration and renewal of licenses; renewal fees.
Section 48-27-195. Registered forester's escrow account; recordkeeping requirements.
Section 48-27-200. Procedure for revocation of licenses; reissuance; appellate review.
Section 48-27-210. Replacement of licenses; replacement fee.
Section 48-27-220. Roster of registered foresters.
Section 48-27-230. Endorsement of documents by registrants; illegal endorsements.