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Section 48-27-10. Definitions. - (1) "Registered forester" shall mean a person who has registered...
Section 48-27-20. Creation of State Board of Registration for Foresters. - A State Board of Registration for Foresters is created whose...
Section 48-27-30. Qualifications of board members. - Each member of the Board must be a citizen of...
Section 48-27-40. Compensation and expenses of board members. - Every member of the Board shall receive a per diem...
Section 48-27-50. Removal of board members. - The Governor may remove any member of the Board for...
Section 48-27-60. Meetings of board; officers. - The Board shall hold at least two regular meetings each...
Section 48-27-70. Bond and salary of secretary. - A secretary to the board shall give a surety bond...
Section 48-27-80. Bylaws of board; rules of procedure. - The Board may adopt and amend all bylaws and rules...
Section 48-27-90. Board seal. - The Board shall adopt and have an official seal. HISTORY:...
Section 48-27-100. Power of board to subpoena witnesses and documents and to administer oaths; compensation of witnesses. - In carrying into effect the provisions of this chapter the...
Section 48-27-110. Records of board; annual report. - The Board shall keep a record of its proceedings and...
Section 48-27-120. Licensing and registration as registered foresters; exceptions. - (1) No person shall use in connection with his name...
Section 48-27-130. Requirements for qualification as registered forester. - (A) The following are minimum evidence satisfactory to the board...
Section 48-27-140. Application and fee for registration. - Applicants for registration shall make application on forms prescribed and...
Section 48-27-150. Examinations and re-examinations. - When written examinations are required, they shall be held at...
Section 48-27-160. Issuance and contents of licenses. - The Board shall issue a license upon payment of a...
Section 48-27-170. Only individuals to be licensed. - Registration shall be determined upon a basis of individual personal...
Section 48-27-180. Registration of persons licensed by other states or countries; criminal convictions. - A person licensed to practice forestry by a state or...
Section 48-27-190. Expiration and renewal of licenses; renewal fees. - Licenses expire on the last day of June following their...
Section 48-27-195. Registered forester's escrow account; recordkeeping requirements. - Any registered forester shall place, as soon as practically possible,...
Section 48-27-200. Procedure for revocation of licenses; reissuance; appellate review. - The board may, upon proof that grounds exist that the...
Section 48-27-210. Replacement of licenses; replacement fee. - A new license to replace any license revoked, lost, destroyed,...
Section 48-27-220. Roster of registered foresters. - A roster, showing the names and places of business of...
Section 48-27-230. Endorsement of documents by registrants; illegal endorsements. - Plans, maps, specifications, and reports issued by a registrant must...
Section 48-27-240. Receipts and expenditures by board. - The secretary of the Board shall receive and account for...
Section 48-27-250. Penalties. - Except as specifically provided in this chapter, a person who...
Section 48-27-260. Injunctive relief and civil fines. - The Board may, either before or after the institution of...