The State Commission of Forestry may borrow from time to time sums of money not exceeding five hundred thousand dollars from any source available and issue evidences of indebtedness therefor in the form of notes or bonds, as may be determined by the Commission, at a rate of interest not exceeding six per cent per annum, payable either annually or semiannually, as the Commission may determine, and with such maturities as may be determined by the Commission, not exceeding, however, twenty years from the date of issue of the first obligation issued hereunder. The Commission may secure any sums borrowed under the terms hereof by mortgage of any property owned by it and it may also pledge any and all income of every kind and pledge any and all rents, incomes, issues and profits accruing to it from any of its properties and any rights or privileges accruing to it under any contract of sale or lease. Unless otherwise provided herein, all of the details of any loan and the manner of execution of the evidences of indebtedness and of the mortgages or other security authorized to be pledged shall be within the discretion of the Commission.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 29-24; 1952 Code Section 29-24; 1942 Code Section 3284-1; 1933 (38) 503.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 48 - Environmental Protection and Conservation
Chapter 23 - Forestry Generally
Section 48-23-10. State Commission of Forestry.
Section 48-23-20. Terms of office of members of commission.
Section 48-23-30. Chairman of commission; meetings.
Section 48-23-40. Payment of commission members' expenses.
Section 48-23-50. Appointment, qualifications, and duties of State Forester.
Section 48-23-60. State Forester to be secretary to commission.
Section 48-23-70. Unlawful acts; penalties.
Section 48-23-80. General powers of commission.
Section 48-23-90. General duties of commission.
Section 48-23-95. Official summons form for making arrests; disposition of charges.
Section 48-23-97. Wood load tickets required for certain ticket sales; exceptions; penalties.
Section 48-23-110. Conveyance of State-owned wasteland to commission.
Section 48-23-120. Acquisition of real estate for timber production and other purposes.
Section 48-23-130. Acquisition of lands for state forests.
Section 48-23-132. Purposes for which revenues from specified sources may be used.
Section 48-23-135. Authorization to borrow; amount and terms.
Section 48-23-136. Pledge of revenue.
Section 48-23-140. Acceptance of gifts, conveyances, and leases.
Section 48-23-145. Compensation supplements paid to personnel of State Commission of Forestry.
Section 48-23-150. Disbursement of funds.
Section 48-23-160. Sale, exchange, or lease of lands.
Section 48-23-170. Execution of deeds, mortgages, or contracts.
Section 48-23-180. Marking and tallying forestry products.
Section 48-23-190. Telephone line attachments to commission's poles; charges.
Section 48-23-200. Rules and regulations.
Section 48-23-205. Local regulation of development affecting forest land.
Section 48-23-210. Pledge of income for repayment of labor costs pertaining to reforestation.
Section 48-23-220. Borrowing by commission.
Section 48-23-230. Liability of State for commission's obligations; source of funds for repayment.
Section 48-23-240. Liability of State for obligations for acquisition of land.
Section 48-23-250. Use of revenues from land; generally.
Section 48-23-265. Payment to landowner for forest products purchased; penalties.