South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 6 - Department Of Health And Human Services
Section 44-6-720. Requirements for qualifying for undue hardship waiver.

(A) To be considered for a waiver due to undue hardship, the applicant must meet all other applicable eligibility criteria for assistance. If the federal "transfer of resources" rule set forth in 42 U.S.C. Section 1396p(c), as amended, applies to the applicant, then no undue hardship waiver may be granted until the period of ineligibility has expired. For the purposes of this subsection, the maximum length of ineligibility is extended to sixty months from the date of any improper transfer.
(B) The trust established for the applicant must meet the following criteria:
(1) the applicant's monthly gross income from all sources, without reference to the trust, exceeds the income eligibility standard for Medicaid then in effect but is less than the average private pay rate for nursing home care for the State;
(2) the property used to fund the trust is limited to monthly unearned income owned by the applicant, including any pension payment;
(3) the applicant and the state Medicaid program are the sole beneficiaries of the trust;
(4) the entire income and corpus of the trust, or as much as may be distributed each month without violating federal requirements for federal financial participation, must be distributed each month for expenses related to the applicant's nursing home care that are approved under the Medicaid program, except that:
(a) an amount reasonably necessary to maintain the existence of the trust, as approved by the Medicaid program, may be retained in the trust; and
(b) deductions may be distributed from the trust to the same extent deductions from the income of a nursing home resident who is not a trust beneficiary are allowed under the Medicaid program, which shall include:
(i) monthly personal needs allowance;
(ii) payments to the beneficiary's community spouse or dependent family members as provided and in accordance with state and federal law;
(iii) specified health insurance costs and special medical services provided under Title XIX of the federal "Social Security Act", 42 U.S.C. Section 1396a(r), as amended; and
(iv) other deductions provided in regulations of the State Health and Human Services Finance Commission;
(5) upon the death of the beneficiary, a remainder interest in the corpus of the trust passes to the State Health and Human Services Finance Commission. The commission shall remit the state share of the trust to the general fund; and
(6) the trust is not subject to modification by the beneficiary or the trustee without the approval of the state Medicaid program.
HISTORY: 1993 Act No. 164, Part II, Section 74A.

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 44 - Health

Chapter 6 - Department Of Health And Human Services

Section 44-6-5. Definitions.

Section 44-6-10. Creation of commission; members; term; conflict of interests.

Section 44-6-30. Duties and limitations.

Section 44-6-35. Medicaid waiver protections.

Section 44-6-40. Duties.

Section 44-6-45. Authority of commission to collect administrative fees associated with accounts receivable for those individuals or entities which negotiate repayment to agency.

Section 44-6-50. Contracts with other agencies; program monitoring.

Section 44-6-70. Preparation of state plan and resource allocation recommendations.

Section 44-6-80. Annual and interim reports.

Section 44-6-90. Promulgation of regulations; other agencies to cooperate with commission.

Section 44-6-100. Personnel of commission; duties; compensation.

Section 44-6-110. Medicaid providers; boundary clarification.

Section 44-6-115. Covered Medicaid pharmacy services.

Section 44-6-132. Legislative findings and intent.

Section 44-6-135. Short title.

Section 44-6-140. Medicaid hospital prospective payment system; cost containment measures.

Section 44-6-146. County assessments for indigent medical care; penalties for failure to pay assessments in timely manner.

Section 44-6-150. Medically Indigent Assistance Program; reporting of charges for sponsored patients; duties of commission; duty to provide unreimbursed medical care to indigent persons.

Section 44-6-155. Medicaid Expansion Fund.

Section 44-6-160. Target rate of increase for net inpatient charges; excessive increases; penalties.

Section 44-6-170. Collection and release of health care related data; confidentiality; regulations to be promulgated; Data Oversight Council; Health Data Analysis Task Force; hospitals to provide required information; violations and penalties.

Section 44-6-175. Repealed.

Section 44-6-180. Confidentiality of patient records; controlled dissemination of data; violations and penalties.

Section 44-6-190. Applicability of Administrative Procedures Act; compliance with Medicaid disclosure rules.

Section 44-6-200. Falsification of information; penalties.

Section 44-6-220. Notice requirements on nursing home admission applications.

Section 44-6-300. Child development services to be established.

Section 44-6-310. Expansion of existing child development services.

Section 44-6-320. Appropriations.

Section 44-6-400. Definitions.

Section 44-6-420. Enforcement actions; considerations; proportionality to violations.

Section 44-6-470. Fines; use of funds collected.

Section 44-6-530. Federal jurisdiction.

Section 44-6-540. Authority for rulemaking, and to ensure compliance with Medicaid participation.

Section 44-6-610. Citation of article.

Section 44-6-620. Definitions.

Section 44-6-630. Creation of GAPS program; purpose.

Section 44-6-640. Administration of program; assistance of other agencies or organizations; enrollment fee.

Section 44-6-650. Eligibility; benefits.

Section 44-6-660. Evaluation of cost effectiveness; annual report.

Section 44-6-710. Treating application of person deemed ineligible because of Medicaid qualifying trust as undue hardship case.

Section 44-6-720. Requirements for qualifying for undue hardship waiver.

Section 44-6-725. Promissory notes received by Medicaid applicant or recipient.

Section 44-6-730. Promulgation of regulations to implement article and comply with federal law; amendment of state Medicaid plan consistent with article.

Section 44-6-910. Health facilities recognized and designated as providers for underserved patients; when hospital in urban area considered "rural".

Section 44-6-1010. Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee established; membership.

Section 44-6-1020. Adoption of bylaws; election of chairman and vice chairman; compensation; meetings; public comment on clinical and patient care data from Medicaid providers.

Section 44-6-1030. Recommendation of therapeutic classes of drugs to be included on preferred drug list.

Section 44-6-1040. Preferred drug list program; procedures to be included.

Section 44-6-1050. Prior authorization for drug; refills; appeals.