South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 6 - Department Of Health And Human Services
Section 44-6-150. Medically Indigent Assistance Program; reporting of charges for sponsored patients; duties of commission; duty to provide unreimbursed medical care to indigent persons.

(A) There is created the South Carolina Medically Indigent Assistance Program administered by the department. The program is authorized to sponsor inpatient hospital care for which hospitals shall receive no reimbursement. A general hospital equipped to provide the necessary treatment shall:
(1) admit a patient sponsored by the program; and
(2) accept the transfer of a patient sponsored by the program from a hospital which is not equipped to provide the necessary treatment.
In addition to or in lieu of an action taken affecting the license of the hospital, when it is established that an officer, employee, or member of the hospital medical staff has violated this section, the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control shall require the hospital to pay a civil penalty of up to ten thousand dollars.
(B) Hospital charges for patients sponsored by the Medically Indigent Assistance Program must be reported to the Revenue and Fiscal Affairs Office pursuant to Section 44-6-170.
(C) In administering the Medically Indigent Assistance Program, the department shall determine:
(1) the method of administration including the specific procedures and materials to be used statewide in determining eligibility for the program;
(a) In a nonemergency, the patient shall submit the necessary documentation to the patient's county of residence or its designee to determine eligibility before admission to the hospital.
(b) In an emergency, the hospital shall admit the patient pursuant to Section 44-7-260. If a hospital holds the patient financially responsible for all or a portion of the inpatient hospital bill, and if the hospital determines that the patient could be eligible for the program, it shall forward the necessary documentation along with the patient's bill and other supporting information to the patient's county of residence or its designee for processing. A county may request that all hospital bills incurred by its residents sponsored by the program be submitted to the county or its designee for review.
(2) the population to be served, including eligibility criteria based on family income and resources. Eligibility is determined on an episodic basis for a given spell of illness. Eligibility criteria must be uniform statewide and may include only those persons who meet the program's definition of medically indigent;
(3) the health care services covered;
(4) a process by which an eligibility determination can be contested and appealed; and
(5) the program may not sponsor a patient until all other means of paying for or providing services have been exhausted. This includes Medicaid, Medicare, health insurance, employee benefit plans, or other persons or agencies required by law to provide medical care for the person. Hospitals may require eligible patients whose gross family income is between one hundred percent and two hundred percent of the federal poverty guidelines, to make a copayment based on a sliding payment scale developed by the department based on income and family size.
(D) Nothing in this section may be construed as relieving hospitals of their Hill-Burton obligation to provide unreimbursed medical care to indigent persons.
HISTORY: 1985 Act No. 201, Part II, Section 19C; 1986 Act No. 335, Section 1; 1989 Act No. 189, Part II, Section 35C; 1993 Act No. 130, Section 1; 1993 Act No. 181, Section 1050.

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 44 - Health

Chapter 6 - Department Of Health And Human Services

Section 44-6-5. Definitions.

Section 44-6-10. Creation of commission; members; term; conflict of interests.

Section 44-6-30. Duties and limitations.

Section 44-6-35. Medicaid waiver protections.

Section 44-6-40. Duties.

Section 44-6-45. Authority of commission to collect administrative fees associated with accounts receivable for those individuals or entities which negotiate repayment to agency.

Section 44-6-50. Contracts with other agencies; program monitoring.

Section 44-6-70. Preparation of state plan and resource allocation recommendations.

Section 44-6-80. Annual and interim reports.

Section 44-6-90. Promulgation of regulations; other agencies to cooperate with commission.

Section 44-6-100. Personnel of commission; duties; compensation.

Section 44-6-110. Medicaid providers; boundary clarification.

Section 44-6-115. Covered Medicaid pharmacy services.

Section 44-6-132. Legislative findings and intent.

Section 44-6-135. Short title.

Section 44-6-140. Medicaid hospital prospective payment system; cost containment measures.

Section 44-6-146. County assessments for indigent medical care; penalties for failure to pay assessments in timely manner.

Section 44-6-150. Medically Indigent Assistance Program; reporting of charges for sponsored patients; duties of commission; duty to provide unreimbursed medical care to indigent persons.

Section 44-6-155. Medicaid Expansion Fund.

Section 44-6-160. Target rate of increase for net inpatient charges; excessive increases; penalties.

Section 44-6-170. Collection and release of health care related data; confidentiality; regulations to be promulgated; Data Oversight Council; Health Data Analysis Task Force; hospitals to provide required information; violations and penalties.

Section 44-6-175. Repealed.

Section 44-6-180. Confidentiality of patient records; controlled dissemination of data; violations and penalties.

Section 44-6-190. Applicability of Administrative Procedures Act; compliance with Medicaid disclosure rules.

Section 44-6-200. Falsification of information; penalties.

Section 44-6-220. Notice requirements on nursing home admission applications.

Section 44-6-300. Child development services to be established.

Section 44-6-310. Expansion of existing child development services.

Section 44-6-320. Appropriations.

Section 44-6-400. Definitions.

Section 44-6-420. Enforcement actions; considerations; proportionality to violations.

Section 44-6-470. Fines; use of funds collected.

Section 44-6-530. Federal jurisdiction.

Section 44-6-540. Authority for rulemaking, and to ensure compliance with Medicaid participation.

Section 44-6-610. Citation of article.

Section 44-6-620. Definitions.

Section 44-6-630. Creation of GAPS program; purpose.

Section 44-6-640. Administration of program; assistance of other agencies or organizations; enrollment fee.

Section 44-6-650. Eligibility; benefits.

Section 44-6-660. Evaluation of cost effectiveness; annual report.

Section 44-6-710. Treating application of person deemed ineligible because of Medicaid qualifying trust as undue hardship case.

Section 44-6-720. Requirements for qualifying for undue hardship waiver.

Section 44-6-725. Promissory notes received by Medicaid applicant or recipient.

Section 44-6-730. Promulgation of regulations to implement article and comply with federal law; amendment of state Medicaid plan consistent with article.

Section 44-6-910. Health facilities recognized and designated as providers for underserved patients; when hospital in urban area considered "rural".

Section 44-6-1010. Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee established; membership.

Section 44-6-1020. Adoption of bylaws; election of chairman and vice chairman; compensation; meetings; public comment on clinical and patient care data from Medicaid providers.

Section 44-6-1030. Recommendation of therapeutic classes of drugs to be included on preferred drug list.

Section 44-6-1040. Preferred drug list program; procedures to be included.

Section 44-6-1050. Prior authorization for drug; refills; appeals.