South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 24 - Commitment Of Children In Need Of Mental Health Treatment
Section 44-24-70. Taking custody of child needing emergency admission.

If a child in need of emergency admission cannot be examined by a licensed physician pursuant to Section 44-24-60 because his whereabouts are unknown or for any other reason, the petitioner seeking commitment pursuant to Section 44-24-60 shall execute an affidavit stating that he believes the child is in need of emergency admission. The grounds for the belief must be included and a statement that the usual procedure for examination cannot be followed and the reason. Upon presentation of the affidavit, the court may require a law enforcement officer to take the child into custody and transport him for an examination by a licensed physician as provided for in Section 44-24-60. If within the twenty-four hours the child is not examined by a licensed physician or, if upon examination, the physician does not execute the certification provided in Section 44-24-60, the proceedings must be terminated and the child immediately released. Otherwise, proceedings must be held pursuant to Section 44-24-60.
HISTORY: 1991 Act No. 88, Section 1; 1993 Act No. 30, Section 4.

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 44 - Health

Chapter 24 - Commitment Of Children In Need Of Mental Health Treatment

Section 44-24-10. Definitions.

Section 44-24-20. Voluntary admission; notification of guardian ad litem.

Section 44-24-30. Admission of child sixteen or older as inpatient; determination of voluntariness; appointment of guardian ad litem.

Section 44-24-40. Discharge of voluntarily admitted child; grounds for not effecting discharge.

Section 44-24-50. Periodic notification to voluntarily admitted child and parent or guardian of right to release.

Section 44-24-60. Emergency admission of child to inpatient hospital.

Section 44-24-70. Taking custody of child needing emergency admission.

Section 44-24-80. Transportation of child to hospital; parent's or guardian's request to accompany child.

Section 44-24-90. Notification to child and guardian of petition; contents of petition; right to counsel; examination and conclusions.

Section 44-24-100. Notice of hearing for emergency or judicial admission.

Section 44-24-110. Examiners' reports; disposition of child when report does not recommend judicial admission, recommends judicial admission, or is divided.

Section 44-24-120. Removal of proceedings to another county.

Section 44-24-130. Hearing; location; testimony; rules of evidence; transcript.

Section 44-24-140. Determination after presentation of evidence.

Section 44-24-150. Psychiatric evaluations of children; notification of victims.

Section 44-24-160. Examination and review of child admitted to inpatient program; program of care and treatment.

Section 44-24-170. Right to reexamination; notice of right; proceedings upon petition for reexamination.

Section 44-24-180. Court review of case of child involuntarily admitted.

Section 44-24-190. Notification to court when child moved to different program; court approval for move to more restrictive program; placement in crisis stabilization.

Section 44-24-200. Unauthorized absence of child from facility or residential program.

Section 44-24-210. Unlawful to remove child from inpatient facility or residential program without authorization.

Section 44-24-220. Requirement of discharge planning and continuity of service in community.

Section 44-24-230. Provision of community-based treatment as alternative to hospitalization.

Section 44-24-240. Agencies to participate in planning and provision of services; exchange of records.

Section 44-24-250. Consultation with parent or guardian; participation in or cooperation with treatment.

Section 44-24-260. Child's right to communicate, consult, or visit with agency or person having custody, with counsel, or with private mental health service provider.

Section 44-24-270. Personal, civil, and property rights of child in treatment program.

Section 44-24-280. Use of restraint, seclusion, or physical coercion; corporal punishment prohibited.