South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 29 - Employment And Workforce - Department Of Employment And Workforce
Section 41-29-150. Records; inspection and copying; confidentiality; violation; penalties.

An employing unit must keep true and accurate work records containing information the department prescribes. These records must be open to inspection and subject to being copied by the department or its authorized representative at a reasonable time and as often as necessary. The department and the chairman of an appeal tribunal may require from an employing unit a sworn or unsworn report with respect to persons employed by it that he or it considers necessary for the effective administration of Chapters 27 through 41 of this title. Information obtained in this manner or from an individual pursuant to the administration of these chapters, except to the extent necessary for the proper administration of such chapters, shall be held confidential and may not be published or be open to public inspection, other than to the public employees in the performance of their public duties, in any manner revealing the individual's or employing unit's identity. However, a claimant or his legal representative at a hearing before an appeal tribunal must be supplied information from these records to the extent necessary for the proper presentation of his claim. An employee or member of the department who violates a provision of this section must be fined not less than twenty dollars or more than five hundred dollars, imprisoned for not longer than ninety days, or both.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 68-65; 1952 Code Section 68-65; 1942 Code Section 7035-91; 1936 (39) 1716; 1939 (41) 487; 1941 (42) 369; 2010 Act No. 146, Section 40, eff March 30, 2010; 2011 Act No. 3, Section 4, eff March 14, 2011.
Effect of Amendment
The 2010 amendment substituted "department" for "Commission" throughout this section; and made other nonsubstantive changes.
The 2011 amendment substituted "five hundred dollars" for "two hundred dollars" in the last sentence.

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 41 - Labor and Employment

Chapter 29 - Employment And Workforce - Department Of Employment And Workforce

Section 41-29-10. Unemployment security provisions; administration by Department of Employment and Workforce.

Section 41-29-20. Department of Employment and Workforce; creation; executive director; appointment; removal; compensation.

Section 41-29-25. Executive Director; discharge of duties.

Section 41-29-30. Repealed by 2010 Act No. 146, Section 123, eff March 30, 2010.

Section 41-29-35. Executive Director; appointment.

Section 41-29-40. Unemployment Compensation and Employment Service Divisions; directors.

Section 41-29-50. Appointment of advisory councils.

Section 41-29-60. Repealed by 2010 Act No. 146, Section 123, eff March 30, 2010.

Section 41-29-70. Employment of personnel.

Section 41-29-80. Classification of positions; salary schedules; personnel standards.

Section 41-29-90, 41-29-100. Repealed by 2010 Act No. 146, Section 123, eff March 30, 2010.

Section 41-29-110. Duties and powers of department.

Section 41-29-120. Employment stabilization; report requirements; joint electronic filing.

Section 41-29-130. Repealed by 2010 Act No. 146, Section 123, eff March 30, 2010.

Section 41-29-140. Reciprocal agreements.

Section 41-29-150. Records; inspection and copying; confidentiality; violation; penalties.

Section 41-29-160. Information generally confidential.

Section 41-29-170. Permitted disclosure of information.

Section 41-29-180. Reports to be kept to minimum.

Section 41-29-190. Witnesses, oaths, certifications, and production of books and the like.

Section 41-29-200. Self-incriminating testimony.

Section 41-29-210. Penalties for contumacy or failure to obey subpoena.

Section 41-29-220. Examination of returns or reports of national banks.

Section 41-29-230. State and federal cooperation.

Section 41-29-240. Cooperation with Railroad Retirement Board and other federal agencies.

Section 41-29-250. Publication of certain material; internet access.

Section 41-29-260. Repealed by 2010 Act No. 146, Section 123, eff March 30, 2010.

Section 41-29-270. Emergency unemployment compensation system.

Section 41-29-280. Annual reports.

Section 41-29-290. Recommendations as to change in contribution or benefit rates.

Section 41-29-300. Department of Employment and Workforce Appellate Panel; creation; purpose; powers; composition.

Section 41-29-310. Workforce Investment Act transferred to Department of Employment and Workforce.