(A) There is created the South Carolina Board of Long Term Health Care Administrators composed of nine members who must be appointed by the Governor, with the advice and consent of the Senate, for three-year terms and until their successors are appointed and qualify. Of the nine members:
(1) three must be qualified nursing home administrators licensed under this chapter; one must be from a proprietary nursing home; one must be from a nonproprietary nursing home; and one must be a qualified hospital administrator;
(2) three must be community residential care facility administrators, licensed under this chapter, at least one of whom must be from a community residential care facility with ten or fewer residents;
(3) one must be a consumer, sponsor, or family member of a consumer of nursing home services;
(4) one must be a consumer, sponsor, or family member of a consumer of community residential care services;
(5) one must be a voting member of the Long Term Care Committee of the Health and Human Services Coordinating Council who must be nominated by election of the committee from among its voting members. If the Governor does not accept the nomination, an additional nominee must be selected in the same manner.
The Commissioner of the Department of Health and Environmental Control, or his designee, also shall serve as a nonvoting member on the board, ex officio.
An individual, group, or association may submit the names of qualified individuals to the Governor for his consideration in making these appointments.
A vacancy must be filled in the manner of the original appointment for the unexpired portion of the term. A member may not serve more than two consecutive full terms.
(B) The board shall meet at least twice a year.
(C) Any business conducted by the board must be by a positive majority vote. For purposes of this subsection, "positive majority vote" means a majority vote of the entire membership of the board, reduced by any vacancies existing at the time.
HISTORY: 2004 Act No. 293, Section 1.
Editor's Note
Prior Laws:1962 Code Section 56-1702; 1970 (56) 2085; 1987 Act No. 172, Section 1; 1990 Act No. 605, Section 1; 1993 Act No. 41, Section 3; 1997 Act No. 66, Section 1; 1976 Code Section 40-35-20.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 40 - Professions and Occupations
Chapter 35 - Long Term Health Care Administrators
Section 40-35-5. Applicability; conflicts of law.
Section 40-35-20. Definitions.
Section 40-35-30. Supervision of facilities and centers by licensed administrators.
Section 40-35-40. Issuance of license; qualifications and requirements.
Section 40-35-60. Rules and regulations.
Section 40-35-70. Additional powers and duties of the board.
Section 40-35-80. Investigation of complaints and violations.
Section 40-35-90. Disciplinary action in accordance with Administrative Procedures Act.
Section 40-35-100. Cease and desist orders; temporary restraining orders.
Section 40-35-110. Misconduct.
Section 40-35-115. Jurisdiction.
Section 40-35-130. Denial of licensure.
Section 40-35-150. Voluntary surrender of license.
Section 40-35-170. Payment of investigation and prosecution costs.
Section 40-35-180. Payment of costs and fines.
Section 40-35-190. Confidentiality of investigations and proceedings.
Section 40-35-200. Licensure requirement; criminal and civil penalties for violation.
Section 40-35-210. Injunctive relief.