South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 35 - County Public Works Improvement Act
Section 4-35-40. Powers of governing body with respect to improvements; means of financing.

The governing body is authorized to acquire, own, construct, establish, enlarge, improve, expand, operate, maintain and repair, and sell, lease, and otherwise dispose of an improvement and to finance the acquisition, construction, establishment, enlargement, improvement, expansion, operation, maintenance and repair, in whole or in part, by the imposition of assessments in accordance with this chapter and through the issuance of special district bonds, general obligation bonds of the county, or revenue bonds of the county, from general revenues from any source not restricted from that use by law, or by a combination of the funding sources.
HISTORY: 1993 Act No. 99, Section 1, eff June 15, 1993; 1998 Act No. 389, Section 2, eff June 15, 1998.
Effect of Amendment
The 1998 amendment deleted "install," preceding "enlarge", deleted "installation," preceding "enlargement", substituted "and through the issuance of special district bonds" for "by special district bonds", inserted "or revenue bonds of the county", and made nonsubstantive changes throughout the section.

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 4 - Counties

Chapter 35 - County Public Works Improvement Act

Section 4-35-10. Short title; counties authorized to exercise powers and provisions.

Section 4-35-20. Authorizations constitute cumulative and alternative powers.

Section 4-35-30. Definitions.

Section 4-35-40. Powers of governing body with respect to improvements; means of financing.

Section 4-35-50. Requisites for establishment of improvement district; power to implement and finance improvement plan.

Section 4-35-60. Resolution describing improvement district and plan, including costs and assessments; establishing time and place of hearing.

Section 4-35-70. Publication of resolution providing for improvement district; public hearing.

Section 4-35-80. Improvements financed through assessments, bonds, general revenues, or combination of sources.

Section 4-35-90. Financing discretionary with governing body; assessment rates may vary.

Section 4-35-100. Preparation of assessment roll.

Section 4-35-110. Notice of improvement and assessment; statement of lien; time and place for hearing; opportunity to file written objection; failure to file objection constitutes consent.

Section 4-35-120. Hearing of objections and supporting proof; corrections to assessment; confirmation of roll; filing of copy; lien created; assessment and collection together with property taxes.

Section 4-35-130. Mailing of notice of confirmation to persons who filed objections; appeal to court; hearing; effect.

Section 4-35-140. Creation of improvement district by ordinance; filing.

Section 4-35-150. Improvement ownership, removal, additions, and alterations; special assessments.

Section 4-35-160. Abolition of district; notice and hearing.