Nothing contained in this chapter prohibits a club from offering services which augment or are incidental to any service offered by the club or any other services which are of assistance and are beneficial to members and are feasible for the club to render.
HISTORY: 1987 Act No. 155, Section 6, eff January 1, 1988.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 61 - Motor Club Services Act
Section 39-61-10. Short title.
Section 39-61-20. Definitions.
Section 39-61-30. Deposit of cash, securities, or bonds.
Section 39-61-40. Security; required assurances.
Section 39-61-50. Suits by aggrieved members; aggregate liability.
Section 39-61-60. Submission and approval of club name.
Section 39-61-70. Application for, and issuance of, certificate of authority; fee.
Section 39-61-90. Service of process.
Section 39-61-100. Cease and desist orders; revocation or suspension of certificate of authority.
Section 39-61-110. Requirements of service contracts.
Section 39-61-130. Sanctions for noncompliance by club representative; contested case hearing.
Section 39-61-140. Restrictions on advertising.
Section 39-61-150. Services subject exclusively to this chapter.
Section 39-61-160. Authority of administrator.
Section 39-61-170. Violations; penalties.
Section 39-61-180. Sale of insurance by club representatives; license requirements.