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Section 39-61-10. Short title. - This chapter is known and may be cited as the...
Section 39-61-20. Definitions. - As used in this chapter: (a) "Administrator" means the Administrator...
Section 39-61-30. Deposit of cash, securities, or bonds. - A club may not render or agree to render a...
Section 39-61-40. Security; required assurances. - The security: (a) Must be for the protection, use, and...
Section 39-61-50. Suits by aggrieved members; aggregate liability. - If any member is defrauded or aggrieved by any misconduct,...
Section 39-61-60. Submission and approval of club name. - The name of the club must be submitted to the...
Section 39-61-70. Application for, and issuance of, certificate of authority; fee. - (a) No club may offer, issue, or renew a motor...
Section 39-61-80. Certificates of authority permanent unless suspended or revoked; renewal requirements. - Certificates of authority issued hereunder are permanent unless revoked or...
Section 39-61-90. Service of process. - (a) Serving of process in any action, rule, order, or...
Section 39-61-100. Cease and desist orders; revocation or suspension of certificate of authority. - (A) The department may file a request for a contested...
Section 39-61-110. Requirements of service contracts. - No service contract may be issued or delivered in this...
Section 39-61-120. Registration of club representatives; termination of representative's authority; fee. - (a) No individual may act as a club representative in...
Section 39-61-130. Sanctions for noncompliance by club representative; contested case hearing. - Upon satisfactory evidence that a club representative has violated or...
Section 39-61-140. Restrictions on advertising. - No club may make reference to its certificate of authority...
Section 39-61-150. Services subject exclusively to this chapter. - The offering of motor club services is subject solely and...
Section 39-61-160. Authority of administrator. - The Administrator shall administer this chapter and may promulgate regulations,...
Section 39-61-170. Violations; penalties. - Any person who violates the provisions of this chapter is...
Section 39-61-180. Sale of insurance by club representatives; license requirements. - A club representative is not required to be a licensed...
Section 39-61-190. Incidental services. - Nothing contained in this chapter prohibits a club from offering...
Section 39-61-200. Attorney's fees. - Any person who brings a civil suit for damages suffered...