South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 25 - Adulterated Or Misbranded Food And Cosmetics
Section 39-25-180. Promulgation of regulations; hearings; adoption of Federal regulations.

(A) The authority to promulgate regulations for the efficient enforcement of this chapter is vested in the commissioner. The commissioner is authorized to make the regulations promulgated pursuant to this chapter conform, insofar as practicable, with those promulgated under the federal act.
(B) Hearings authorized or required by this chapter must be conducted by the commissioner or the officer, agent, or employee the commissioner may designate for the purpose.
(C) Pesticide chemical regulations and their amendments now or hereafter adopted pursuant to authority of the federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act are the pesticide chemical regulations in this State. However, the commissioner may adopt a regulation that prescribes tolerances for pesticides in finished foods in this State whether or not in accordance with regulations promulgated pursuant to the federal act.
(D) Food additive regulations and their amendments now or hereafter adopted pursuant to authority of the federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act are the food additive regulations in this State. However, the commissioner may adopt a regulation that prescribes conditions under which a food additive may be used in this State whether or not in accordance with regulations promulgated pursuant to the federal act.
(E) Color additive regulations and their amendments now or hereafter adopted pursuant to the authority of the federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act are the color additive regulations in this State. However, the commissioner may adopt a regulation that prescribes conditions under which a color additive may be used in this State whether or not in accordance with regulations promulgated pursuant to the federal act.
(F) Special dietary use regulations and their amendments now or hereafter adopted pursuant to the authority of the federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act are the special dietary use regulations in this State. However, the commissioner may, if he finds it necessary to inform purchasers of the value of a food for special dietary use, prescribe special dietary use regulations whether or not in accordance with regulations promulgated pursuant to the federal act.
(G) Regulations and their amendments now or hereafter adopted pursuant to the Fair Packaging and Labeling Act are the regulations of this State. However, the commissioner may, if he finds it necessary in the interest of consumers, prescribe packaging and labeling regulations for consumer commodities, whether or not in accordance with regulations promulgated pursuant to the federal act; provided, that no regulation may be promulgated that is contrary to the labeling requirements for the net quantity of contents required pursuant to Section 4 of the Fair Packaging and Labeling Act and the regulations promulgated pursuant to it.
(H) Good manufacturing practice regulations and their amendments now or hereafter adopted pursuant to the authority of the federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act are the good manufacturing regulations of this State. However, the commissioner may adopt a regulation that prescribes conditions under which good manufacturing processes may be used in this State whether or not in accordance with regulations promulgated pursuant to the federal act.
(I) Regulations and their amendments adopted referencing thermally processed low-acid foods packaged in hermetically sealed containers pursuant to the authority of the federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act are the low-acid food regulations of this State. However, the commissioner may adopt a regulation that prescribes conditions under which thermally processed low-acid foods packaged in hermetically sealed containers may be used in this State whether or not in accordance with regulations promulgated pursuant to the federal act.
(J) Regulations and their amendments adopted referencing acidified foods pursuant to the authority of the federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act are the acidified food regulations of this State. However, the commissioner may adopt a regulation that prescribes conditions under which acidified foods may be used in this State whether or not in accordance with regulations promulgated pursuant to the federal act.
(K) Regulations and their amendments adopted with regard to fish and fishery products pursuant to the authority of the federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act are the fish and fishery products regulations of this State. However, the commissioner may adopt a regulation that prescribes conditions under which fish and fishery products may be used in this State whether or not in accordance with regulations promulgated pursuant to the federal act.
(L) Regulations and their amendments now or hereafter adopted with regard to Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) Systems pursuant to the authority of the federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act as they are used to monitor various food products, including juice, for biological, chemical, and physical contaminants.
(M) Food allergen and labeling regulations and their amendments now or hereafter adopted by the Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act pursuant to the authority of the federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act are the food allergen and labeling regulations of this State.
(N) A federal regulation automatically adopted pursuant to this chapter takes effect in this State on the date it becomes effective as a federal regulation. The commissioner shall publish all other proposed regulations in the official state newspaper or publication prescribed by the commissioner. A person who may be adversely affected by a regulation may, within thirty days after a federal regulation is automatically adopted, or within thirty days after publication of any other regulation, file objections with the commissioner, in writing, and a request for a hearing. The timely filing of substantial objections to a federal regulation automatically adopted stays the effect of the regulation in the State of South Carolina.
(O) If no substantial objections are received and no hearing is requested within thirty days after publication of a proposed regulation, the regulation takes effect on a date set by the commissioner. The effective date shall be at least sixty days after the time for filing objections has expired.
(P) If timely substantial objections are made to a federal regulation within thirty days after it is automatically adopted or to a proposed regulation within thirty days after it is published, the commissioner, after notice, shall conduct a public hearing to receive evidence on the issues raised by the objections. Any interested person or his representative may be heard. The commissioner shall act upon objections by order and shall mail the order to objectors by certified mail as soon after the hearing as practicable. The order must be based on substantial evidence in the record of the hearing. If the order concerns a federal regulation, it may reinstate, rescind, or modify it. If the order concerns a proposed regulation, it may withdraw it or set an effective date for the regulation as published or as modified by the order. The effective date must be at least sixty days after publication of the order.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 32-1526.17; 1972 (57) 2687; 2010 Act No. 261, Section 4, eff June 11, 2010.
Effect of Amendment
The 2010 amendment rewrote this section.

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 39 - Trade and Commerce

Chapter 25 - Adulterated Or Misbranded Food And Cosmetics

Section 39-25-10. Short title.

Section 39-25-20. Definitions.

Section 39-25-30. Prohibited acts.

Section 39-25-35. Exception to prohibited acts.

Section 39-25-40. Injunctions.

Section 39-25-50. Penalties; exceptions and liabilities.

Section 39-25-60. Embargo and condemnation of adulterated, misbranded article, poisonous perishable foods.

Section 39-25-70. Duty of solicitors and Attorney General; notice of criminal proceedings.

Section 39-25-80. Minor violations of chapter.

Section 39-25-90. Definitions and standards adopted under Federal act.

Section 39-25-100. Food deemed adulterated.

Section 39-25-110. Food deemed misbranded.

Section 39-25-115. Finding of contamination; temporary regulation; access to factories for inspection.

Section 39-25-120. Promulgation of regulations containing labeling requirement exemptions; effect of Federal regulations.

Section 39-25-130. Unsafe additives; authority of Commissioner to prescribe tolerances.

Section 39-25-140. Cosmetic deemed adulterated.

Section 39-25-150. Cosmetic deemed misbranded.

Section 39-25-160. Labeling and packaging of consumer commodities.

Section 39-25-170. Advertisement deemed false.

Section 39-25-180. Promulgation of regulations; hearings; adoption of Federal regulations.

Section 39-25-190. Authority to enter and inspect premises and copy records; reports; analysis of samples.

Section 39-25-200. Publication of judgments and orders and other information.

Section 39-25-210. Inspection; registration requirements; exceptions; annual renewal; civil and criminal penalties.