South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 25 - Adulterated Or Misbranded Food And Cosmetics
Section 39-25-100. Food deemed adulterated.

A food shall be deemed to be adulterated -
(a)(1) If it bears or contains any poisonous or deleterious substance which may render it injurious to health; but in case the substance is not an added substance such food shall not be considered adulterated under this clause if the quantity of such substance in such food does not ordinarily render it injurious to health; or (2) (A) if it bears or contains any added poisonous or added deleterious substance, other than one which is (i) a pesticide chemical in or on a raw agricultural commodity; (ii) a food additive; or (iii) a color additive, which is unsafe within the meaning of Section 39-25-130(a); or (B) if it is a raw agricultural commodity and it bears or contains a pesticide chemical which is unsafe within the meaning of Section 408(a) of the Federal act as amended or Section 39-25-130(a); (C) if it is or it bears or contains any food additive which is unsafe within the meaning of Section 409 of the Federal act as amended or Section 39-25-130(a); provided, that where a pesticide chemical has been used in or on a raw agricultural commodity in conformity with an exemption granted or tolerance prescribed under Section 408 of the Federal act or Section 39-25-130(a), and such raw agricultural commodity has been subjected to processing such as canning, cooking, freezing, dehydrating, or milling, the residue of such pesticide chemical remaining in or on such processed food shall notwithstanding the provisions of Section 39-25-130 and clause (c) of this section, not be deemed unsafe if such residue in or on the raw agricultural commodity has been removed to the extent possible in good manufacturing practice, and the concentration of such residue in the processed food when ready to eat, is not greater than the tolerance prescribed for the raw agricultural commodity; or (3) if it consists in whole or in part of a diseased, contaminated, filthy, putrid, or decomposed substance, or if it is otherwise unfit for food; or (4) if it has been produced, prepared, packed, or held under insanitary conditions whereby it may have become contaminated with filth, or whereby it may have been rendered diseased, unwholesome, or injurious to health; or (5) if it is, in whole or in part, the product of a diseased animal or of an animal which has died otherwise than by slaughter, or of an animal that has been fed upon the uncooked offal from a slaughterhouse; or (6) if its container is composed, in whole or in part, of any poisonous or deleterious substance which may render the contents injurious to health; (7) if it has been intentionally subjected to radiation, unless the use of the radiation was in conformity with a regulation or exemption in effect pursuant to Section 39-25-130 or Section 409 of the Federal act.
(b)(1) If any valuable constituent has been in whole or in part omitted or abstracted therefrom; or (2) if any substance has been substituted wholly or in part therefor; or (3) if damage or inferiority has been concealed in any manner; or (4) if any substance has been added thereto or mixed or packed therewith so as to increase its bulk or weight, or reduce its quality or strength or make it appear better or of greater value than it is.
(c) If it is confectionery, and -
(1) Has partially or completely imbedded therein any nonnutritive object; provided, that this clause shall not apply in the case of any nonnutritive object if, in the judgment of the Commissioner as provided by regulations, such object is of practical functional value to the confectionery product and would not render the product injurious or hazardous to health.
(2) Bears or contains any alcohol other than alcohol not in excess of one half of one per centum by volume derived solely from the use of flavoring extracts; or
(3) Bears or contains any nonnutritive substance; provided, that this clause shall not apply to a safe nonnutritive substance which is in or on confectionery by reason of its use for some practical functional purpose in the manufacture, packaging, or storing of such confectionery if the use of the substance does not promote deception of the consumer or otherwise result in adulteration or misbranding in violation of any provision of this chapter; and provided further, that the Commissioner may, for the purpose of avoiding or resolving uncertainty as to the application of this clause, issue regulations allowing or prohibiting the use of particular nonnutritive substances.
(d) If it is or bears or contains any color additive which is unsafe within the meaning of the Federal act or Section 39-25-130(a).
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 32-1526.9; 1972 (57) 2687.

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 39 - Trade and Commerce

Chapter 25 - Adulterated Or Misbranded Food And Cosmetics

Section 39-25-10. Short title.

Section 39-25-20. Definitions.

Section 39-25-30. Prohibited acts.

Section 39-25-35. Exception to prohibited acts.

Section 39-25-40. Injunctions.

Section 39-25-50. Penalties; exceptions and liabilities.

Section 39-25-60. Embargo and condemnation of adulterated, misbranded article, poisonous perishable foods.

Section 39-25-70. Duty of solicitors and Attorney General; notice of criminal proceedings.

Section 39-25-80. Minor violations of chapter.

Section 39-25-90. Definitions and standards adopted under Federal act.

Section 39-25-100. Food deemed adulterated.

Section 39-25-110. Food deemed misbranded.

Section 39-25-115. Finding of contamination; temporary regulation; access to factories for inspection.

Section 39-25-120. Promulgation of regulations containing labeling requirement exemptions; effect of Federal regulations.

Section 39-25-130. Unsafe additives; authority of Commissioner to prescribe tolerances.

Section 39-25-140. Cosmetic deemed adulterated.

Section 39-25-150. Cosmetic deemed misbranded.

Section 39-25-160. Labeling and packaging of consumer commodities.

Section 39-25-170. Advertisement deemed false.

Section 39-25-180. Promulgation of regulations; hearings; adoption of Federal regulations.

Section 39-25-190. Authority to enter and inspect premises and copy records; reports; analysis of samples.

Section 39-25-200. Publication of judgments and orders and other information.

Section 39-25-210. Inspection; registration requirements; exceptions; annual renewal; civil and criminal penalties.