South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 23 - Adulterated, Misbranded Or New Drugs And Devices
Section 39-23-80. Prohibited acts, penalties.

(A) It is unlawful to do or cause the following acts:
(1) introduction or delivery for introduction into commerce within the State of a drug or device that is adulterated or misbranded;
(2) adulteration or misbranding of a drug or device in intrastate commerce;
(3) receipt in intrastate commerce of a drug or device that is adulterated or misbranded, and the delivery or proffered delivery of a drug or device for pay or otherwise;
(4) manufacture of a drug or device within the State which is adulterated or misbranded;
(5) forging, counterfeiting, simulating, or falsely representing, or without proper authority using any mark, stamp, tag, label, or other identification device authorized or required by regulations promulgated under the provisions of this chapter or the federal act;
(6) alteration, mutilation, destruction, obliteration, or removal of the whole or any part of the labeling of, or the doing of any other act with respect to, a drug or device, if the act is done while the article is held for sale (whether or not the first sale) after shipment in intrastate commerce and results in the article being adulterated or misbranded;
(7) using, on the label of a drug or in an advertisement relating to the drug, any representation or suggestion that an application with respect to the drug is effective under Section 39-23-70, or that the drug complies with the provisions of that section.
(B)(1) A person who violates a provision of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, must be imprisoned not more than two years, or fined not more than five thousand dollars, or both for a first offense.
(2) A person convicted under this section for a second offense is guilty of a felony and, upon conviction, must be imprisoned not more than five years or fined not more than ten thousand dollars, or both.
(3) A violation with intent to defraud or mislead is a felony and, upon conviction, the person must be imprisoned not more than five years or fined not more than ten thousand dollars, or both.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 32-1510.108; 1972 (57) 3046; 1993 Act No. 184, Section 68, eff January 1, 1994.
Effect of Amendment
The 1993 amendment rewrote this section, designating existing text as (A), and adding (B), so as to change portions from misdemeanors to felonies and the maximum term of imprisonment to conform to the new crime classification system.