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Section 39-23-10. Short title. - This chapter may be cited as the South Carolina Drug...
Section 39-23-20. Definitions. - For the purposes of this chapter: (a) The "Director of...
Section 39-23-30. Drug or device deemed adulterated. - A drug or device shall be deemed to be adulterated:...
Section 39-23-40. Drug or device deemed misbranded. - A drug or device shall be deemed to be misbranded:...
Section 39-23-50. Labeling or packaging requirements, exemptions; certain drugs must be dispensed only on prescription; requirements. - (a) The Director of Health and Environmental Control is hereby...
Section 39-23-55. Labeling of prescription or nonprescription drug samples. - (A) For purposes of this section, "sample" means a unit...
Section 39-23-60. Coal-tar colors, regulations. - In accordance with Federal standards, the Director of Health and...
Section 39-23-70. Intrastate commerce, introduction of new drugs. - (a) No person shall introduce or deliver for introduction into...
Section 39-23-80. Prohibited acts, penalties. - (A) It is unlawful to do or cause the following...
Section 39-23-100. Procedure for condemnation of adulterated or misbranded drug or device. - (a) Any drug or device that is adulterated or misbranded...
Section 39-23-110. Notice of criminal proceedings. - Before any violation of this chapter is reported by the...
Section 39-23-120. Minor violations of chapter. - Nothing in this chapter shall be construed as requiring the...
Section 39-23-130. Embargo of adulterated or misbranded drug or device. - The Director of Health and Environmental Control may, upon service...