Every such warehouseman shall, when requested in writing by a person placing property with him on storage, cause such property to be insured for whom it may concern.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 69-4; 1952 Code Section 69-4; 1942 Code Section 7179; 1932 Code Section 7179; Civ. C. '22 Section 3901; Civ. C. '12 Section 2585; Civ. C. '02 Section 1715; 1896 (22) 206.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 19 - Warehouses And Warehousemen Generally
Section 39-19-10. Persons and corporations who must become public warehousemen.
Section 39-19-20. Warehousemen must give bond.
Section 39-19-30. Actions against warehouseman.
Section 39-19-40. Warehouseman must insure property on request.
Section 39-19-50. Damages for use of cotton on storage without consent of owners.
Section 39-19-70. Warehouseman shall keep transactions; inspection.
Section 39-19-210. "Warehouseman" defined.
Section 39-19-220. Maximum rates for handling and selling leaf tobacco; statement of charges.
Section 39-19-230. Warehousemen must keep record of amount of tobacco sold.
Section 39-19-290. Civil penalty for violating maximum rates provision; action to recover penalty.
Section 39-19-410. Declaration of purpose.
Section 39-19-420. "Warehouseman" defined.
Section 39-19-440. Delivery records must be kept by warehouseman or cooperative.
Section 39-19-450. Information ticket or card must be placed on tobacco.
Section 39-19-460. Tickets or cards and tobacco must be open to inspection.
Section 39-19-470. Retention of tickets or cards after sale.
Section 39-19-480. Failure to give true name is a misdemeanor.
Section 39-19-490. Offenses by warehousemen or cooperatives.
Section 39-19-500. Sale of tobacco in name other than that of true owner.