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Section 39-19-10. Persons and corporations who must become public warehousemen. - All warehousemen engaged in the business of storing feed grains...
Section 39-19-20. Warehousemen must give bond. - Every person or corporation authorized to become a public warehouseman...
Section 39-19-30. Actions against warehouseman. - Whenever any such warehouseman fails to perform his duty or...
Section 39-19-40. Warehouseman must insure property on request. - Every such warehouseman shall, when requested in writing by a...
Section 39-19-50. Damages for use of cotton on storage without consent of owners. - Except as otherwise permitted or required under the provisions of...
Section 39-19-60. Disposal of stored cotton without consent of owner penalty; effect on mortgagees and other creditors. - It shall be a misdemeanor for any person doing business...
Section 39-19-70. Warehouseman shall keep transactions; inspection. - Every public warehouseman shall keep a book in which shall...
Section 39-19-80. Warehouse receipts issued by corporations formed, owned, or controlled by cooperatives. - Any warehousing corporation organized, formed, operated, owned or controlled by...
Section 39-19-210. "Warehouseman" defined. - A "warehouseman" within the meaning of this article shall mean...
Section 39-19-220. Maximum rates for handling and selling leaf tobacco; statement of charges. - (A) The charges and expenses of handling and selling leaf...
Section 39-19-230. Warehousemen must keep record of amount of tobacco sold. - The warehouseman of each leaf tobacco warehouse doing business in...
Section 39-19-290. Civil penalty for violating maximum rates provision; action to recover penalty. - Any person willfully violating the provisions of Section 39-19-220 shall...
Section 39-19-410. Declaration of purpose. - The purpose of this article is to prevent frauds in...
Section 39-19-420. "Warehouseman" defined. - The term "warehouseman," as used in this article, is defined...
Section 39-19-430. True name of owner or producer of tobacco must be furnished to warehousemen or cooperatives. - Every person who shall deliver any leaf tobacco to a...
Section 39-19-440. Delivery records must be kept by warehouseman or cooperative. - Any such warehouseman or cooperative marketing association shall keep a...
Section 39-19-450. Information ticket or card must be placed on tobacco. - Any such warehouseman or cooperative marketing association shall place upon...
Section 39-19-460. Tickets or cards and tobacco must be open to inspection. - Such cards or tickets and such tobacco awaiting sale shall...
Section 39-19-470. Retention of tickets or cards after sale. - Such cards or tickets or duplicates or copies thereof shall,...
Section 39-19-480. Failure to give true name is a misdemeanor. - Any person who shall give a fictitious or false name...
Section 39-19-490. Offenses by warehousemen or cooperatives. - Any warehouseman or cooperative marketing association who shall fail to...
Section 39-19-500. Sale of tobacco in name other than that of true owner. - Any warehouseman or cooperative marketing association who shall buy or...
Section 39-19-510. Penalties. - Any person guilty of a misdemeanor under the provisions of...