(A) Beginning July 1, 1992, the department shall begin converting certain licenses required by statute or regulation to a biennial license fee collection period. These license fees must be collected as follows:
(1) All insurers transacting business in this State including reciprocals, fraternal benefit associations, mutual insurers doing a property business only in no more than three counties, mutual insurers doing a property business only in a single county, and approved reinsurers shall pay a license fee for two years to the department by March 1, 1994, and every two years after that time by March first every even-numbered year.
(2) An agency transacting the business of insurance in this State shall pay a license fee for two years to the department within thirty days after January 1, 1994, and every two years after that time within thirty days after January first every even-numbered year.
(3) A broker transacting the business of insurance in this State shall pay a license fee for two years to the department within thirty days after May 1, 1994, and every two years after that time within thirty days after May first every even-numbered year.
(4) An adjuster transacting business in this State shall pay a license fee for two years to the department within thirty days after August 1, 1993, and every two years after that time within thirty days after August first every odd-numbered year.
(5) A motor vehicle damage appraiser transacting business in this State shall pay a license fee for two years to the department within thirty days after October 1, 1993, and every two years after that time within thirty days after October first every odd-numbered year.
(6) An agent transacting the business of insurance in this State shall pay a license fee for two years to the department within thirty days after September 1, 1992, and every two years after that time within thirty days after September first every even-numbered year.
(B) The fees described in this section must be earned fully when paid and are not refundable, proratable, or transferable. They must be collected in the amount and manner prescribed by statute or regulation before July 1, 1992, until the dates prescribed in subsection (A) when collections must be made pursuant to that subsection.
HISTORY: 1992 Act No. 501, Part II Section 11A; 1993 Act No. 181, Section 532; 1998 Act No. 411, Section 1.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 3 - The Department Of Insurance
Section 38-3-10. Department of Insurance and Insurance Commission established.
Section 38-3-40. Compensation and expenses of Commission members.
Section 38-3-60. Powers and duties of Commission and Director of the Department of Insurance.
Section 38-3-110. Duties of Director of the Department of Insurance.
Section 38-3-120. Oath and bond of director.
Section 38-3-130. Actuaries, examiners, clerks, and employees.
Section 38-3-140. Violations considered committed in part at office of director.
Section 38-3-160. Administration of oaths.
Section 38-3-170. Notice of hearings.
Section 38-3-180. Summoning witnesses; contempt; perjury.
Section 38-3-190. Mileage payments for witnesses.
Section 38-3-200. Orders must be in writing and signed.
Section 38-3-210. Petition for judicial review of order or decision; effect as stay.
Section 38-3-220. Certificates and papers of director as evidence.
Section 38-3-230. Director's certificate as evidence of authority to do business.
Section 38-3-240. Conversion of licenses to biennial fee collection period; particular fee periods.
Section 38-3-410. Promulgation of emergency regulations on declaration of state of emergency.
Section 38-3-420. Adoption of procedures to facilitate recovery by way of emergency regulations.
Section 38-3-440. Promulgation of regulations to implement article.