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Section 38-3-10. Department of Insurance and Insurance Commission established. - There is established a separate and distinct department of this...
Section 38-3-40. Compensation and expenses of Commission members. - The director or his designee shall receive annual compensation as...
Section 38-3-60. Powers and duties of Commission and Director of the Department of Insurance. - The director or his designee must follow the general policies...
Section 38-3-80. Seal. - The department shall have a seal with a suitable inscription,...
Section 38-3-100. Director of the Department of Insurance; removal; status; term of employment, salary, and qualifications. - The director or his designee is not subject to the...
Section 38-3-110. Duties of Director of the Department of Insurance. - The director or his designee has the following duties: (1)...
Section 38-3-120. Oath and bond of director. - The director shall take the oath of office as prescribed...
Section 38-3-130. Actuaries, examiners, clerks, and employees. - The director shall appoint or employ actuaries, examiners, clerks, and...
Section 38-3-140. Violations considered committed in part at office of director. - The failure to do any act required by this title...
Section 38-3-150. Director, assistants, or agents may conduct examinations, investigations, and hearings. - All examinations or investigations provided by this title, unless otherwise...
Section 38-3-160. Administration of oaths. - The director or his duly appointed assistants or agents shall...
Section 38-3-170. Notice of hearings. - All hearings, unless otherwise specifically provided, must be held at...
Section 38-3-180. Summoning witnesses; contempt; perjury. - The director or any assistants or agents appointed to conduct...
Section 38-3-190. Mileage payments for witnesses. - Any person summoned by the Insurance Department to testify as...
Section 38-3-200. Orders must be in writing and signed. - No order of the director or his designee is effective...
Section 38-3-210. Petition for judicial review of order or decision; effect as stay. - Any order or decision made, issued, or executed by the...
Section 38-3-220. Certificates and papers of director as evidence. - Every certificate or other paper executed by the director or...
Section 38-3-230. Director's certificate as evidence of authority to do business. - In any case or controversy where it is necessary to...
Section 38-3-240. Conversion of licenses to biennial fee collection period; particular fee periods. - (A) Beginning July 1, 1992, the department shall begin converting...
Section 38-3-410. Promulgation of emergency regulations on declaration of state of emergency. - (A) If the Governor declares a state of emergency pursuant...
Section 38-3-420. Adoption of procedures to facilitate recovery by way of emergency regulations. - (A) By an emergency regulation issued pursuant to Section 38-3-410,...
Section 38-3-430. Promulgation of standardized requirements applicable to insurers by emergency regulation; areas to be addressed; issuance of orders following natural disaster. - (A) The department may promulgate by emergency regulation, pursuant to...
Section 38-3-440. Promulgation of regulations to implement article. - The department may promulgate the regulations pursuant to the South...