The director may require insurers licensed to write property or casualty insurance in the State to record and report loss and expense experience and any other data necessary to determine whether rates are excessive, inadequate, or unfairly discriminatory. The director or his designee may designate one or more statistical agents, organizations, or advisory organizations to gather and compile this experience and data. In addition, the director may require each insurer licensed to write property and casualty insurance in this State, as a supplement to its annual statement, to submit a report on a form furnished by the department showing the insurer's direct writings in this State and the United States and any information required by Sections 38-13-310 and 38-13-320.
The director may adopt data disclosure requirements developed by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners. If adopted, the NAIC disclosure requirements must be deemed to be in full compliance with the reporting requirements of Sections 38-13-300 through 38-13-360.
HISTORY: 1987 Act No. 166, Section 11; 1993 Act No. 181, Section 537; 1997 Act No. 68, Section 2.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 13 - Examinations, Investigations, Records, And Reports
Section 38-13-40. Examiners not to be appointed if conflict of interest exists; exceptions.
Section 38-13-50. Insurer to pay cost of examination; civil action to recover costs.
Section 38-13-60. Immunity from liability; recovery of attorney fees and costs if prevailing party.
Section 38-13-70. Investigation of charges; liability for expenses.
Section 38-13-80. Annual statement as to business standing and financial condition.
Section 38-13-90. Publication of assets and liabilities.
Section 38-13-100. Items to be included as liabilities in financial statements.
Section 38-13-110. Treatment of contingent debts or liabilities in financial statements.
Section 38-13-120. Record of business done; inspection by Director or designee.
Section 38-13-130. Records of losses and claims.
Section 38-13-140. Refusal to exhibit records; false statements; confidentiality of replies.
Section 38-13-150. Returns of reinsurance by insurers; effect of refusal.
Section 38-13-160. Director or designee may require special reports; confidentiality of replies.
Section 38-13-170. Penalties for making or aiding in making false statement.
Section 38-13-180. Insurance reserve fund defined.
Section 38-13-200. Penalty for refusal to be examined under oath.
Section 38-13-310. Supplemental report.
Section 38-13-320. Data in supplemental report.
Section 38-13-340. Review of supplemental reports.
Section 38-13-350. Filing of required information.
Section 38-13-360. Penalty for failure to comply with provisions of article.
Section 38-13-700. Periodic examination of unemployment compensation fund; duties of director.
Section 38-13-710. Who may request examination; contents of request.
Section 38-13-730. Verification of data provided by department; sample data testing.
Section 38-13-750. Conflict of interest prohibited.
Section 38-13-760. Department to pay charges.
Section 38-13-810. Purpose; application; findings.
Section 38-13-820. Definitions.
Section 38-13-830. Risk management framework.
Section 38-13-840. Insurers required to conduct ORSA on no less than an annual basis.
Section 38-13-850. ORSA Summary Reports.
Section 38-13-860. Exemptions.
Section 38-13-870. Preparation of ORSA Summary Report; review; requests for information.
Section 38-13-880. Confidentiality.
Section 38-13-900. Effective date.
Section 38-13-1000. Purpose; construction; application.
Section 38-13-1010. Definitions.
Section 38-13-1020. Submission of Corporate Governance Annual Disclosure.
Section 38-13-1030. Rules, regulations, and orders.
Section 38-13-1060. Retention of third-party consultants.