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Section 38-13-10. Examination of insurers; examination of person or business; acceptance of examination report of insurer prepared by insurance department of another state. - (A) The director or his examiners may conduct an examination...
Section 38-13-20. Examination warrant; conduct of examination; access to books, records, accounts, etc.; refusal to submit to examination; subpoenas, examination under oath; failure to obey subpoena; retaining professionals and specialists as examine... - (A) Upon determining that an examination must be conducted, the...
Section 38-13-30. Examination report; copy of report to insurer examined; written rebuttals by insurer; review by, and order of, director; hearings; confidentiality of report work papers, recorded information and documents. - (A) Examination reports must be comprised of only facts appearing...
Section 38-13-40. Examiners not to be appointed if conflict of interest exists; exceptions. - (A) No examiner may be appointed by the director if...
Section 38-13-50. Insurer to pay cost of examination; civil action to recover costs. - The insurer shall pay the charges incurred in the examination,...
Section 38-13-60. Immunity from liability; recovery of attorney fees and costs if prevailing party. - (A) No cause of action may arise nor may liability...
Section 38-13-70. Investigation of charges; liability for expenses. - Upon his own motion or upon written complaint filed by...
Section 38-13-80. Annual statement as to business standing and financial condition. - (A) Every insurer must file annually with the department by...
Section 38-13-85. Annual statement to be filed with National Association of Insurance Commissioners; immunity from liability for disseminating information; confidentiality of information. - (a) Every insurer who is authorized to write insurance in...
Section 38-13-90. Publication of assets and liabilities. - No insurer may publish a statement of its assets and...
Section 38-13-100. Items to be included as liabilities in financial statements. - In any determination of the financial condition of an insurer,...
Section 38-13-110. Treatment of contingent debts or liabilities in financial statements. - Contingent debts or liabilities of domestic insurers must be set...
Section 38-13-120. Record of business done; inspection by Director or designee. - All companies doing any kind of insurance business in this...
Section 38-13-130. Records of losses and claims. - Every insurer doing business in this State shall maintain a...
Section 38-13-140. Refusal to exhibit records; false statements; confidentiality of replies. - A person who has in his possession or control any...
Section 38-13-150. Returns of reinsurance by insurers; effect of refusal. - Every insurer shall file a return, on a form and...
Section 38-13-160. Director or designee may require special reports; confidentiality of replies. - The director or his designee may require any authorized insurer...
Section 38-13-170. Penalties for making or aiding in making false statement. - If an insurer, in its annual or other statement required...
Section 38-13-180. Insurance reserve fund defined. - For purposes of Sections 38-13-190 and 38-13-200, "insurance reserve fund"...
Section 38-13-190. Commissioner to examine affairs and methods of operations of insurance reserve fund; reports of findings. - (1) At the end of each three years of operation,...
Section 38-13-200. Penalty for refusal to be examined under oath. - Any person or entity having possession or control of any...
Section 38-13-300. Regulations requiring insurer to report its loss and expense experience and other data. - The director may require insurers licensed to write property or...
Section 38-13-310. Supplemental report. - The supplemental report required by Section 38-13-300 may include, but...
Section 38-13-320. Data in supplemental report. - The supplemental report may include, but is not limited to,...
Section 38-13-340. Review of supplemental reports. - The department shall annually compile and review reports submitted by...
Section 38-13-350. Filing of required information. - Each insurance company shall file all of the information required...
Section 38-13-360. Penalty for failure to comply with provisions of article. - Each insurer who fails to comply with the terms of...
Section 38-13-400. Report disclosing material acquisitions and dispositions of assets or material nonrenewals, cancellations or revisions; when due; confidentiality. - (A) Effective January 1, 1995, each insurer domiciled in this...
Section 38-13-410. Exceptions to reporting requirements; material acquisitions or dispositions defined; information to be disclosed; report to be on nonconsolidated basis; exceptions. - (A) Acquisitions or dispositions of assets may not be reported...
Section 38-13-420. Exceptions to reporting requirements; material nonrenewals, cancellations, or revisions of ceded reinsurance agreements defined; information to be disclosed; report to be on nonconsolidated basis; exceptions. - (A) Nonrenewals, cancellations, or revisions of ceded reinsurance agreements may...
Section 38-13-700. Periodic examination of unemployment compensation fund; duties of director. - (A) At least every five years, or upon request pursuant...
Section 38-13-710. Who may request examination; contents of request. - (A) An examination of the unemployment compensation fund may be...
Section 38-13-720. Free access to books, records, and other materials relating to examination; powers of director. - (A) The Department of Employment and Workforce must provide timely,...
Section 38-13-730. Verification of data provided by department; sample data testing. - In addition to any other recognized and appropriate examination methodologies,...
Section 38-13-740. Examination reports; contents; submission to General Assembly; availability on Internet websites. - The results of each examination must be compiled in a...
Section 38-13-750. Conflict of interest prohibited. - The director may not assign an examiner that has a...
Section 38-13-760. Department to pay charges. - The Department of Employment and Workforce shall pay the charges...
Section 38-13-770. Inquiries regarding administration of unemployment compensation fund; prompt written reply. - The director may require the Department of Employment and Workforce...
Section 38-13-810. Purpose; application; findings. - (A) The purpose of this article is to provide the...
Section 38-13-820. Definitions. - For purposes of this article, the term: (1) "Director" means...
Section 38-13-830. Risk management framework. - An insurer shall maintain a risk management framework to assist...
Section 38-13-840. Insurers required to conduct ORSA on no less than an annual basis. - Subject to Section 38-13-860, an insurer, or the insurance group...
Section 38-13-850. ORSA Summary Reports. - (A) Upon the director's request, and no more than once...
Section 38-13-860. Exemptions. - (A) An insurer is exempt from the requirements of this...
Section 38-13-870. Preparation of ORSA Summary Report; review; requests for information. - (A) The ORSA Summary Report must be prepared consistent with...
Section 38-13-880. Confidentiality. - (A) Documents, materials, or other information, including the ORSA Summary...
Section 38-13-890. Penalties. - An insurer who, without just cause, fails to timely file...
Section 38-13-900. Effective date. - The requirements of this article become effective on January 1,...
Section 38-13-1000. Purpose; construction; application. - (A) The purpose of this article is to: (1) provide...
Section 38-13-1010. Definitions. - For the purposes of this article: (1) "Corporate Governance Annual...
Section 38-13-1020. Submission of Corporate Governance Annual Disclosure. - (A) An insurer or the insurance group of which the...
Section 38-13-1030. Rules, regulations, and orders. - The director may, upon notice and opportunity for all interested...
Section 38-13-1040. Discretion over responses to inquiries; examination of documentation and supporting information. - (A) The insurer or insurance group has discretion over the...
Section 38-13-1050. Confidentiality of information submitted to director; prohibition against testifying in private civil actions; performance of director's regulatory duties. - (A) Documents, materials, or other information including the CGAD in...
Section 38-13-1060. Retention of third-party consultants. - (A) The director may retain, at the insurer's expense, third-party...
Section 38-13-1070. Penalties. - Any insurer who, without just cause, fails to timely file...
Section 38-13-1080. Effective date of this article. - The requirements of this article become effective on January 1,...