At the time of, or before, the execution of a contract to provide continuing care, or the transfer of money or other property to an operator by or on behalf of a prospective resident, whichever occurs first, the operator shall deliver a current disclosure statement to the person with whom the contract is to be entered into, the text of which must contain at least the information required by the department. The department may require a disclosure of all or part of the information submitted pursuant to Section 37-11-30(B) or a summary of the information.
Every continuing care retirement community shall establish and maintain a complaint system which is approved by the department to provide reasonable procedures for the resolution of written complaints initiated by residents. A complaint system established pursuant to other governmental requirements satisfies the requirements of this section if all residents are aware of and may use the system. A copy of all written complaints handled through this system and the average time taken to resolve a complaint must accompany an application to renew a license.
HISTORY: 1989 Act No. 97, Section 1.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 37 - Consumer Protection Code
Chapter 11 - Licensing And Regulation Of Continuing Care Retirement Communities
Section 37-11-10. Short title.
Section 37-11-20. Definitions.
Section 37-11-30. Licensing of continuing care retirement community.
Section 37-11-35. Continuing care retirement community contracts and agreements.
Section 37-11-40. Determination of financial responsibility of applicant for license.
Section 37-11-50. Preliminary licenses.
Section 37-11-60. Disclosure requirements; retirement community complaint system.
Section 37-11-70. Itemized billing requirements.
Section 37-11-100. Disciplinary actions; sanctions; assessment of costs.
Section 37-11-120. Injunctions; criminal penalties.
Section 37-11-125. Enforcement actions.
Section 37-11-130. Waiver of certain requirements for certain retirement communities.
Section 37-11-135. Exemptions; letter of nonapplicability.