South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 11 - Licensing And Regulation Of Continuing Care Retirement Communities
Section 37-11-105. Financial plan in case of insolvency or danger of insolvency; penalty for failure to implement approved plan.

(A) At any time when the department has reason to believe that the operator is insolvent, is in imminent danger of becoming insolvent, is in a financially unsound or unsafe condition, or that a continuing care retirement community's financial condition is such that it may otherwise be unable to fully perform its obligations pursuant to continuing care contracts, the department in addition to other remedies may require the operator to submit for approval within sixty days a financial plan detailing the method by which the operator proposes to overcome the deficiencies noted by the department. The department shall approve or disapprove the plan within thirty days of the receipt.
(B) If the plan is approved, the operator immediately shall implement the plan.
(C) If the plan is disapproved or if at any time after approval the department determines that the plan is not being fully implemented, the department may require the operator to obtain new or additional management capability to solve its difficulties. The department must give the reorganized management a reasonable period of time, as determined by the department, to develop a plan which, subject to the approval of the department, will reasonably assure that the operator will meet its responsibilities under the law. The deadlines for action described in this subsection may be extended upon mutual agreement of the operator and the department.
(D) Failure to implement the plan may result in suspension or revocation of a license.
HISTORY: 1995 Act No. 19, Section 2.

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 37 - Consumer Protection Code

Chapter 11 - Licensing And Regulation Of Continuing Care Retirement Communities

Section 37-11-10. Short title.

Section 37-11-20. Definitions.

Section 37-11-30. Licensing of continuing care retirement community.

Section 37-11-35. Continuing care retirement community contracts and agreements.

Section 37-11-40. Determination of financial responsibility of applicant for license.

Section 37-11-50. Preliminary licenses.

Section 37-11-60. Disclosure requirements; retirement community complaint system.

Section 37-11-70. Itemized billing requirements.

Section 37-11-80. Regulations; examination of affairs of retirement community and health care providers; communities and providers to submit books and records.

Section 37-11-90. Certain entrance fees or reservation deposits to be placed in escrow account; release of funds; exemptions from provisions of this section.

Section 37-11-95. Approval required prior to declaring or distributing dividend or similar distribution.

Section 37-11-100. Disciplinary actions; sanctions; assessment of costs.

Section 37-11-105. Financial plan in case of insolvency or danger of insolvency; penalty for failure to implement approved plan.

Section 37-11-120. Injunctions; criminal penalties.

Section 37-11-125. Enforcement actions.

Section 37-11-130. Waiver of certain requirements for certain retirement communities.

Section 37-11-135. Exemptions; letter of nonapplicability.

Section 37-11-137. Retention and use of funds.

Section 37-11-140. Effective date of chapter; exceptions.