(a) Unless a contrary intent clearly appears and before the time that a settlement given by a collecting bank for an item is or becomes final, the bank, with respect to an item, is an agent or sub-agent of the owner of the item and any settlement given for the item is provisional. This provision applies regardless of the form of indorsement or lack of indorsement and even though credit given for the item is subject to immediate withdrawal as of right or is in fact withdrawn; but the continuance of ownership of an item by its owner and any rights of the owner to proceeds of the item are subject to rights of a collecting bank, such as those resulting from outstanding advances on the item and rights of recoupment or setoff. If an item is handled by banks for purposes of presentment, payment, collection, or return, the relevant provisions of this Article apply even though action of the parties clearly establishes that a particular bank has purchased the item and is the owner of it. (b) After an item has been indorsed with the words "pay any bank" or the like, only a bank may acquire the rights of a holder until the item has been:
(1) returned to the customer initiating collection; or
(2) specially indorsed by a bank to a person who is not a bank.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 10.4-201; 1966 (54) 2716; 2008 Act No. 204, Section 3, eff July 1, 2008.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 4 - Commercial Code - Bank Deposits And Collections
Section 36-4-101. Short title.
Section 36-4-102. Applicability
Section 36-4-103. Variation by agreement; measure of damages; action constituting ordinary care.
Section 36-4-104. Definitions and index of definitions.
Section 36-4-105. Definitions of types of banks.
Section 36-4-106. Payable through or payable at bank; collecting bank.
Section 36-4-107. Separate office of bank.
Section 36-4-108. Time of receipt of items.
Section 36-4-110. Electronic presentment.
Section 36-4-111. Statute of limitations.
Section 36-4-202. Responsibility for collections or return; when action timely.
Section 36-4-203. Effect of instructions.
Section 36-4-204. Methods of sending and presenting; sending directly to payor bank.
Section 36-4-205. Depositary bank holder of unindorsed item.
Section 36-4-206. Transfer between banks.
Section 36-4-207. Transfer warranties.
Section 36-4-208. Presentment warranties.
Section 36-4-209. Encoding and retention warranties.
Section 36-4-211. When bank gives value for purposes of holder in due course.
Section 36-4-213. Medium and time of settlement by bank.
Section 36-4-214. Right of charge-back or refund; liability of collecting bank; return of item.
Section 36-4-216. Insolvency and preference.
Section 36-4-302. Payor bank's responsibility for late return of item.
Section 36-4-401. When bank may charge customer's account.
Section 36-4-403. Customer's right to stop payment; burden of proof of loss.
Section 36-4-404. Bank not obliged to pay check more than six months old.
Section 36-4-405. Death or incompetence of a customer.
Section 36-4-406. Customer's duty to discover and report unauthorized signature or alteration.
Section 36-4-407. Payor bank's right to subrogation on improper payment.
Section 36-4-502. Presentment of "on arrival" drafts.
Section 36-4-504. Privilege of presenting bank to deal with goods; security interest for expenses.