South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 39 - Deferred Presentment Services
Section 34-39-150. Application for licensure.

(A) An application for licensure pursuant to this chapter must be in writing, under oath, and on a form prescribed by the board. The application must set forth all of the following:
(1) the legal name and residence and business addresses of the applicant and, if the applicant is a partnership, association, or corporation, of every member, officer, managing employee, and director of it;
(2) the location of the registered office of the applicant;
(3) the registered agent of the applicant if the applicant is required by other law to have a registered agent;
(4) the addresses of the locations to be licensed; and
(5) other information concerning the financial responsibility, background experience, and activities, such as other partnerships, associations, and corporations located at or adjacent to the licensed location of the applicant and its members, officers, managing employees, and directors as the board requires.
(B) Upon receipt of an application in the form prescribed by the board, accompanied by the required fee, the board shall investigate whether the qualifications for licensure are satisfied. If the board finds that the qualifications are satisfied, it shall issue to the applicant a license to engage in the deferred presentment services business. If the board fails to issue a license, it shall notify the applicant of the denial and the reasons for it. The provisions of the Administrative Procedures Act apply to the appeal of the denial of a license.
(C) The application must be accompanied by payment of an application fee of one thousand dollars and an investigation fee of five hundred dollars. These fees are not refundable or abatable. If the license is granted, however, payment of the application fee satisfies the fee requirement for the first license year or its remainder.
(D) A license expires annually and may be renewed upon payment of a license fee of one thousand dollars. The annual license renewal fee for an applicant with more than one location is one thousand dollars for the first location and two hundred fifty dollars for each additional location.
(E) One-half of the renewal fees collected pursuant to subsection (D) must be credited to the Board of Financial Institutions for enforcement of this chapter and one-half must be credited to the Attorney General to prosecute actions brought for violations of this chapter.
HISTORY: 1998 Act No. 433, Section 1, eff upon approval (became law without the Governor's signature on June 11, 1998); 2009 Act No. 78, Section 5, eff June 16, 2009.
Effect of Amendment
The 2009 amendment, in subsections (C) and (D) substituted "one thousand dollars" for "two hundred fifty dollars", and in subsection (D) in the second sentence substituted "two hundred fifty dollars" for "fifty dollars"; and added subsection (E) relating to disposition of license renewal fees.

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 34 - Banking, Financial Institutions and Money

Chapter 39 - Deferred Presentment Services

Section 34-39-110. Short title.

Section 34-39-120. Definitions.

Section 34-39-130. Licensure requirements.

Section 34-39-140. Applicability of chapter; exceptions.

Section 34-39-150. Application for licensure.

Section 34-39-160. Qualifications for licensure.

Section 34-39-170. Restrictions on advancement of monies on security of check; posting of fees charged for deferred presentment services.

Section 34-39-175. Deferred presentment transaction database.

Section 34-39-180. Restrictions and requirements for deferred presentment or deposit of check.

Section 34-39-190. Maintenance of books, accounts, and records; examination.

Section 34-39-200. Limitations on activities by persons required to be licensed by chapter.

Section 34-39-210. Suspension or revocation of license.

Section 34-39-220. Orders to cease and desist violations of chapter; hearing.

Section 34-39-230. Civil penalties; repayment of unlawful or excessive fees.

Section 34-39-240. Wilful violations; referral for criminal prosecution.

Section 34-39-250. Chapter not subject to other statutes governing imposition of interest, fees, loan charges, or extension of credit.

Section 34-39-260. Promulgation of regulations.

Section 34-39-270. Prohibited deferred presentment transactions; eligibility inquiries; notification of transactions.

Section 34-39-280. Extended payment plans.

Section 34-39-290. Annual report and meeting concerning data.